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The Phoenix
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PostSubject: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 8:11 pm

Name: Lego3o

Time: 10/7 minutes ago

Date: feb/17/10

Reason: cursing in the server

evidence: well be found later
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 8:18 pm

not enough cursing for a ban. all he was saying was damn, phoenix u were the one saying freaking and frigging (excuse the language) Stupid
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 8:20 pm

i do believe the best thing to say to you phoenix is LIGHTEN UP lego3o 79341
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 8:31 pm

What scares me most is...That divine was there and didnt do ANYTHING.
lego3o 8c2f3769593f3418b8b002de190569f9bbda79f1
P.s Dingo: Apperently you cant read: "Cursing cheating and/or gllitching well not be allowed. All violators well be banned with out second notice." All im looking for is a short ban that well aleast mean him SHUT UP.
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 8:50 pm

he said 1 MINOR curse word and was warned.... all people who curse are warned and if they ignore it then actions are taken normally... he was warned and did not swear again...
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 8:52 pm

MINOR? He cursed what...5 times? I saw no reaction to any admin in the server.
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 8:59 pm

proof??? other than that 1 time??
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 9:00 pm

Im sorry....I couldnt get them becuase my computer sucks.
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lego3o Empty
PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 9:49 pm

pheonix some cursing is ok as long as its not directed to other players and its not just random cuss words you gota mellow out bro
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lego3o Empty
PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 10:29 pm

hellraiser is semi-right. Phoenix damn is not that sever of a cuss. it is alike the most minor u can get. so lighten up, people cuss sometimes yes, even admins do. I don't think u should be talking cause whenever u r on and i am there u swear alot more than this guy, so u r lucky i don't post ss of u swearing or i am sure u wouldn't be in this clan. As of now i shall be posting ss of whatever u say that is kindergarten bad on our server. I advise to show how annoying phoenix is you all do the same. noob Stupid me Stupid f79
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 11:46 pm

Although I agree with Dingo on you calming down over the word "damn" I do not agree with what he said about posting SS's of you doing minor things like saying damn, in my opinion, though it probally doesnt matter seeing as im a Pvt :P, What you said Dingo, is kinda harsh, what one person does is his own matter, tell them to stop what ever it is they're doing if they are breaking rules, if they do stop then it was a mistake, if they keep doing then it is intentional and something needs to be done, and yes Dingo people do cuss, as stated Phoenix apparently does it quite often, but to do what he is doing, brings you down to his level if not lower, no offense Phoenix, but damn, isnt all bad..just my 2 cents
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeWed Feb 17, 2010 11:47 pm

We all have decided that its the admins choice to decide if its a "bad" curse or not. I dont find the word damn offensive. You are right, i didnt do anything about it....but remember you were also telling him to give u his best insult and i asked why you promoted that. Include all the facts before you try to make me look bad..
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2010 1:25 am

I personally don't consider damn as a swear word in by it's self.. Now if you start changing it from its 4 character state.. then I have a problem with it...

Besides I tend to let 1 minor 1 go unnoticed.. if it continues then I intervene..
Also it changes admin to admin... those are my personal opinions on it..
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2010 8:22 pm

Vixen, it HAS conuntinued alot, I saw him curse about another good solid 5 times today but sadly my stupid freaking computer hates CoD and crashes.

Plus, dingo I feel sad that you think im annoying after one day. ALSO, i dont think Hell is a curse at all...Its a noun. (Or verb forgot which one means people, place, thing.) And I do realize freak is just a child word for Censored but really, who cares if i say freak? My teacher may tell me to stop saying it but she never tells me its a bad word or sends me to the Pri. office.
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2010 8:37 pm

The Phoenix wrote:
Vixen, it HAS conuntinued alot, I saw him curse about another good solid 5 times today but sadly my stupid freaking computer hates CoD and crashes.

Plus, dingo I feel sad that you think im annoying after one day. ALSO, i dont think Hell is a curse at all...Its a noun. (Or verb forgot which one means people, place, thing.) And I do realize freak is just a child word for Censored but really, who cares if i say freak? My teacher may tell me to stop saying it but she never tells me its a bad word or sends me to the Pri. office.

Hell is a noun, seeing it is a place, (Noun=people places or things), freak, freakin, friggin' are all different variations of the term f Censored so, its best not to say those since they essentially mean the same thing as the word f Censored and about this occuring multiple times, if the admins dont find it offensive, then chances are they dont care how many times it's said as long as it's not directed as an insult to anyone, and like vix said, he only has an issue with it if it goes from 'damn' to having 'god' put before it, that can be counted as an insult and offensive to others (am i wrong?)
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2010 8:52 pm

No DeV you aren't, I also never use freak as a insult, just say it when I get stressed after a death or when I begin to lag...But I know everyone has had that feeling...Back to the point, saying damn with god before it is offensive to believers in god and I see leo3o not use it with god before. But I still have a SS of him cursing: lego3o Shot0003e
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2010 9:07 pm

Ok, that one is more offensive, and in need of some action, but it is just one time again, so all the admins can do is watch this guy more closely, and be ready to act, but if it's possible for you, try and get more SS's all at once, so it doesnt seem like he does it every once in a while
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lego3o Empty
PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2010 11:05 pm

dev ur a wise man. he is right phoenix
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2010 11:11 pm

Lol, it's probally from being admins in my past clans..but thank you Dingo, i think you are wise too Smile
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2010 11:03 am

apparently u dont know dingo then.. jk Smile
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lego3o Empty
PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2010 3:12 pm

well you see how hes saying it its not beeing afensive in the way hes using it now if he was using it towards another player then ya normaly id tell him to shush but the way hes using it ther i dont have a problem wit that now if he persist and just keeps using it and wont shut up then ya action should be taken
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2010 3:35 pm

1631690;Leo3o 145;NO SHIT!

Keep your eyes open for him admins.. and keep a eye on him if u see him Big Grin
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PostSubject: Re: lego3o   lego3o Icon_minitime

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