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 kill dre glitching and language

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kill dre glitching and language Empty
PostSubject: kill dre glitching and language   kill dre glitching and language Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2010 1:19 am

Name:kill dre

Date:february 19, 2010

Time:8:09 pm

Problem:guy keeps glitching and has bad language

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Sergeant First Class
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kill dre glitching and language Empty
PostSubject: Re: kill dre glitching and language   kill dre glitching and language Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2010 9:19 am

He was using the pistol and nade glitch. Nice catch. Big Grin
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kill dre glitching and language Empty
PostSubject: Re: kill dre glitching and language   kill dre glitching and language Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2010 10:07 am

Wow...i forget how to do the pistol/nade glitch, but it's for noobs that need something faster than a rifle, XD...stupid kept cussing too lol, nice job hell
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kill dre glitching and language Empty
PostSubject: Re: kill dre glitching and language   kill dre glitching and language Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2010 2:35 pm

kill dre glitching and language 113400 thank you my sharp sniper misses nothing!!
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kill dre glitching and language Empty
PostSubject: Re: kill dre glitching and language   kill dre glitching and language Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2010 3:38 pm

Found him Big Grin
Admins keep a eye out for him and keep a eye on him..
1547733;9;Kill Dre; shit CensoredCensoredCensored k
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PostSubject: Re: kill dre glitching and language   kill dre glitching and language Icon_minitime

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