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The Phoenix
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AlivePlayersCantHearThe(dead) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AlivePlayersCantHearThe(dead)   AlivePlayersCantHearThe(dead) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 12:06 am

ok phoenix shut up before you get banned. just some friendly advice.

and bolt has rcon? Shock
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AlivePlayersCantHearThe(dead) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AlivePlayersCantHearThe(dead)   AlivePlayersCantHearThe(dead) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 2:09 am

Romanian wrote:
ROFL that reminded me so much of Foster and

Anyways.. about this topic...

1) We are taking no action against this player.. because he has not broken any rules... idc about the He said.. she said.. crap..

2)Dingo; Has a somewhat valid point.. though i will admit its a bit crude.. We do not ban people for insulating... maybe blow them up... or something.. but unless they add language to it or some suggestive crap.... we are not gonna do anything...

3) Well actually before we get to three, I want to say this... I try to be a nice guy.. I really do.. I don't like to put people down or anything like this... but reading through these comments.. I have scratched my idea of a PM and I'm gonna say it here instead.. so here is number 3..

3) Phoenix; I really hate doing this type of stuff but you have forced me to Frown

I have been getting complaints about you using language both on the forums and on the server...
I have not really seen anything on the server.. and have not looked through the server logs yet to see if there is anything there..
I did see this though...

I would have been ok with this one...
The Phoenix wrote:
F censored you dingo.
I enabled it so it would censor certain words so if people needed to say it they could...

But then you go and do this...
The Phoenix wrote:
Scrach that dingo: "Fuck" you dingo.
A deliberate and blatant typing of the word so that the censoring will not pick it up.. I do not only consider this inconsiderate of the rules.. that we have on the forums... but inconsiderate to Myself and every other member of this clan... or happens to view this thread and I will not tolerate it...

You complain when someone says something to you that is not very nice... then you go and post something like that on these forums.. which anyone can read.. including our younger members like Bolt (sry not trying to say anything bad about you bolt just using u as a example). I do not, will not, and Never will allow that on these forums..
I also know that you and Dingo do not see eye to eye.. But next time take it to the PM"S or Xfire.. for if you ever do something like that again I will personally remove you from this clan... And take pleasure in doing it... as cruel as that may sound...

Now with that said.. I am taking this action...
Phoenix; You are blocked from a promotion for three (3) weeks as a result for your post.
You will also make a public apology to the members of this clan. This may be done in clan general chat if you want.

I am very disheartened to say those words or these ones..... If I see anything else like this I will remove you from the clan.. so consider yourself warned...

Now with all that said..
I know you and dingo would like to use each others guts for garter belts... But.. I won't let you guys do it on the forums.. use xfire or pms.. if you must do so...

Also I know dingos post was course.. Dingo.. may I suggest.. a sugar coating next time round Big Grin

Now as Hell suggested... I will.....
hellraiser wrote:
close this topic

Now least all just get along Big Grin
Have a wonderful day everyone...
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AlivePlayersCantHearThe(dead) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: AlivePlayersCantHearThe(dead)   AlivePlayersCantHearThe(dead) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 2:54 am

Well said, deliberate and to the point, if a bit harsh LOL.
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PostSubject: Re: AlivePlayersCantHearThe(dead)   AlivePlayersCantHearThe(dead) - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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