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PostSubject: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeWed Mar 24, 2010 11:42 pm

first off let me say that the ownt clan has some of the coolest, friendly, respectful, and nice people in it. i love how active the forums are, and am happy for the friends i have made here. on the flip side i am not happy with the scrim/ practice situation. i understand that this part of the clan is under new management now, but in my opinion we dont scrim anywhere near enough nor do we practice enuff. i have suggested scrim ideas and volunteered to do more in these forums, but both times neither happened. to some people this is not a big deal, but to me it is.

myself and speak have created a new clan named "eXtreme." our goal is to recruit decent and active players. we will have a vcod server shortly and have our own forum. you can check us out (not for recruitment purposes; just to see what we are up to. i do Not want to steal ownt players. i respect this clan) at .. we are still in the development stages, but this clan will be sprouting to life within the next few days.

wiith that being said, myself and speak were both in ownt, and would like for ownt to be our allie. of course we will scrim but we do not want hostility towards each other in anyway, we should all stay close. we are excited about this and hope to see you all on the battlefield...

in which that brings up the the issue of myself and ownt... im sorry but this is my resignation. god bless, love u guys... PAPALONE
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 1:29 am

Sorry to see you go papa... Was nice meeting you. Good luck with your clan. Big Grin

God bless!
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 1:33 am

Hope All Goes Well For You Guys. :]
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 9:37 am

i asked u to scrim last night but u were afk..... Frown

good luck in the future
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 10:09 am

Best of Luck to you and speak.

I really hope your clan works out for you guys. If you need any help with server or forum setup let me know, I've gotten really good in that Also I Like the idea of being allied to another 1.3 clan. Once you guys get all set up myself and the other admins will discuss it Smile

Best of Luck again and I'm sorry to see you guys go,
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 11:05 am

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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 11:08 am

Good luck to you and speak hope all goes well for you guys 1.3 needs more clans to attract more players! i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_biggrin i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_cool i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this 71359 i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Herz
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 2:35 pm

Good Luck to you Brother.
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 3:14 pm

Good luck to you and speak. Take care and see you around.
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Administrator v.5
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 5:52 pm

Good luck you and to speak i hope your clan works out, hope to see you on the battle field soon
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Corporal - 1.5
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 6:53 pm

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Sergeant - 1.3
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 8:05 pm

good bye,,
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 10:12 pm

see when animal left ownt i saw him a sa traitor... going to our rivals. i want us to be tight. dont see it as good bye Smile
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PostSubject: Re: i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this   i'd like everyone to take a moment to read this Icon_minitime

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