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 DD dirtydan /glitching

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DD dirtydan /glitching Empty
PostSubject: DD dirtydan /glitching   DD dirtydan /glitching Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 4:12 pm

Name:dd dirtydan


Time:12:04 pm

Problem:ok this guy was caught this guy using the nade and pistol glitch asked him to stop and he says it dont matter its 2 vs 1 very nice excuse for glitching

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DD dirtydan /glitching Empty
PostSubject: Re: DD dirtydan /glitching   DD dirtydan /glitching Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 4:48 pm

Was funny how he knew that guy was behind barrel when he didn't even see him once..

Think you should ban guid if you ban at all. Could have been hellraiser using DirtyDan's name. :O
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DD dirtydan /glitching Empty
PostSubject: Re: DD dirtydan /glitching   DD dirtydan /glitching Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 4:51 pm

????? why would i do that ?? smart one
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DD dirtydan /glitching Empty
PostSubject: Re: DD dirtydan /glitching   DD dirtydan /glitching Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 8:21 pm

temp ban for a week, if he doesn't learn his lesson = permanent ban.
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DD dirtydan /glitching Empty
PostSubject: Re: DD dirtydan /glitching   DD dirtydan /glitching Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2010 8:58 pm

sounds good to me!
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DD dirtydan /glitching Empty
PostSubject: Re: DD dirtydan /glitching   DD dirtydan /glitching Icon_minitimeSun Mar 28, 2010 5:34 am

this banning ish is getting old, i dont think nobody learns there lesson?
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DD dirtydan /glitching Empty
PostSubject: Re: DD dirtydan /glitching   DD dirtydan /glitching Icon_minitimeSun Mar 28, 2010 5:42 am

unfortunately you can't temp ban after the fact...
Admins just keep a eye on him... Let him know we don't approve if he does it again.. be

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DD dirtydan /glitching Empty
PostSubject: Re: DD dirtydan /glitching   DD dirtydan /glitching Icon_minitime

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DD dirtydan /glitching
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