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 Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing

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Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Empty
PostSubject: Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing   Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Icon_minitimeFri May 28, 2010 9:57 pm

Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian were cussing on the Ownt Rifles server on May 28th, 2010 at 8:30 - 9:00. I warned all of them numerous times, but they did NOT listen and did NOT care. I do not have an ss, because my ss thingy didn't work, but Dingo was there for a little while. I also believe Vixen can view the chat prove that I am not lying. Please do something about this, these cussers are getting on my nerves...
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Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing   Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Icon_minitimeFri May 28, 2010 9:59 pm

I'm actually about to walk out the door for most the weekend.. I'll review this sometime sunday.. Or Monday Smile

Unless.. After you also have log access.. If you get bored..
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Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing   Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Icon_minitimeFri May 28, 2010 10:04 pm

Vixen wrote:
I'm actually about to walk out the door for most the weekend.. I'll review this sometime sunday.. Or Monday Smile

Unless.. After you also have log access.. If you get bored..

I don't get what you mean by "Unless.. After you also have log access.. If you get bored..

When you get back tell me what you mean by that Smile
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Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing   Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Icon_minitimeFri May 28, 2010 11:29 pm

he means afterlife

and i was in the server with barracuda earlier and i was forced to warn him several times.... pwn heart krusher is just a jerk

some of you may remember Moron |-|yper^Guy^91

Pwn krusher is also moron hyper guy... vixxen knows about the post of him on evil forums...

his guid is 1910129 and was banned from evil for wallhacking, language, and disrespecting an admin
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Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing   Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Icon_minitimeFri May 28, 2010 11:33 pm

I really think Barracuda should be banned...and Moron |-|yper^Guy^91 is Heart Krusher. He changed his name in-game when I was playing in the same server as him. I think that they should both be permanently banned from all Ownt Servers.
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Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing   Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 12:09 pm

Why people just can;t play I will never know... I mean I NEVER talk while I'm playing Smile :P Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing 777272
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Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing   Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Icon_minitimeSun May 30, 2010 8:03 pm

:lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: Lie much?
Come come now sarah, You do talk Big Grin
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Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing   Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 6:32 pm

After reveiwing the logs from the last few nights.. This is who has been banned.

1694804 owNt | ringeR
1926933 -eXtreme|Barracuda.
1722527 [SGC]Lt.Zanc/SL4

I could not find anything at all for Heart krusher
and I could not fine enough for me to act on Rct Italian at this time.. I will go over the logs again in the near future..
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Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing   Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Icon_minitimeMon May 31, 2010 6:33 pm

Thread Locked Smile
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Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing   Pwn Heart Krusher, Barracuda, MSM RCT Italian Cussing Icon_minitime

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