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papalone Empty
PostSubject: papalone   papalone Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 12:34 am

well i saw that you said you were going to call a vote...

it doesnt seem very fair to hold my fate in the hands of a clan whose majority doesnt like me. you know that it will be a bias vote count. a lot of the clan is not going to vote due to what happened, theyre going to vote to have me gone... exactly what morris wanted. i really see it as being unfair.

also if you read the rules (posted by morris) it says "Do not harass or De-grade people on the forums." also their is nothing on the rules list that says anything about threats (although there was no real threat... i mean seriously i was just trying to piss him off like he did me. this is just his way of getting rid of me) BUT morris broke his own rules! i dont really understand how the rules only apply for me and not him. as others have said... he clearly flat out insulted me on every level, and i retaliate jokingly and i get banned.

i hope the ADMINS see thru the b/s here and rule to unban me, if not well then i guess this will be my fairwell message... to all the guys who were real cool in this clan... romanian, NV, afterlife, vixen, guitar (not a member, but still), divine, (and even zilch and hellraiser even tho u guys hate me now, u are both cool people and im sorry for whatever happened between us).... papalone possibly out..
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papalone Empty
PostSubject: Re: papalone   papalone Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 1:42 am

One quick thing.. I wrote all those rules. I just used the originaly rule post by morris.

Now I see what you mean by the biased votes due to what happened. That is more then likely true. So here is my suggestion just sit back and let this simmer down instead of coming in now why it's all still fresh and ready for the picking.
That being said and due to the fact that anyone can tell you I hate Drama and that is what will incur if I leave this thread unlocked. I am going to close this thread.. Not delete it just close it... I would seriously think about giving people to digest what went on over the last few days before jumping in on this Smile

If you feel the need to contact me.. My xfire is on whenever I'm at work or you can just PM me here.

Have a wonderful day,
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