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 Got a few shows to talk about

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Got a few shows to talk about Empty
PostSubject: Got a few shows to talk about   Got a few shows to talk about Icon_minitimeWed Jun 09, 2010 1:44 am

First off

If you like science fiction, fantasy, and action you may like Fringe

Fringe is a show dealing in the quantam physics world essentially, parallel universes, mutants, and other scientifically strange events. and 3 scientists and 1 FBI agent have to solve the case and find out what happened and prevent it from happening again..personally its my favorite show, and if you're into that kind of stuff you should check it out

next is a fairly new show

This show just finished its second season, its called SouthLAnd

If you like cop shows you'll like this one.

It gives you a perspective of not only the detectives side in law enforcement, but from your average traffic cop, and as the title says it takes place in Los Angeles, Ca.

A really new show, its goin on its 3rd episode of its first season XD

its called Good Guys, it mixes action and humor, it takes place in Dallas, TX (filmed on location) and its actually pretty funny, although some explosions and some scenes look like crap it all adds to stupid humor of the show so if you like comedy, action and cop shows you should definately check this one out
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