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Gameplay: Stalker Clear Sky is based in the Radiated "Zone" in and around Chernobyl. It is an open-ended first person shooter, that gives you more bang for your buck. It intertwines RPG, FPS, and Squad tactics into one glorious adventure. You are thrown into the action right from the get go, and it doesn't stop till you've reached the scorcher. The game relies on nothing more, than brute force, and very little smarts. I mean sure they do have Anomalies, that have very healthily priced Artifacts in them, but otherwise; the only danger to the player is himself. The AI is super analytical, meaning that it doesn't just act. It almost "thinks", what I mean is that; at any point in the game, the player could be under fire from 6-8 enemies at a time; and if the player reacts, and shoots more bullets then the enemy, they will fall back, and regroup. The game has a loose multiplayer, but it follows the storyline of the actual game, as opposed to actually creating new gametypes, and maps. The multiplayer, is the storyline; but it has the players split amongst the factions each with their own goals. The squad portion of the game doesn't really mean you control them, unlike 99% of all the other squad shooters out there. It merely means that they will operate as a unit, with you. They move from cover, and heal each other. They will fallback just the same as the enemies, but they will fight to the last man. The game also has a wide verity of wildlife. There are mutated dogs, and mutants themselves. All of them are highly deadly and will take quite a bit of skill to take down. All in all the gameplay is worth the $50. Score: 9 (AI cover system)
Graphics: The graphics of this game, are the true definition of "Next-Gen." It has everything you'd see in really life, meaning Real wet map's(Rain, and Snow) all the way to their new "creation" called "God Rays" which is the beams of light that shine down from the sun, and through the trees. They even threw in the real forest feel. Dark and damp, kind of creepy. and A hell of a good place for a firefight. Then once you get to the shipyards, they have the rusty ships, with pieces flaking off of them every so often. And on DX 10 the game looks even more amazing. Score: 9 (These are the god rays)
Sounds:The musical soundtrack of this game is what gives the game a realistic feel to it. The ambient sounds range from crows, birds, and dogs all the way to creaking metal, and explosions. The action music is what makes those chases, and firefights so creepy, and real. You feel completely immersed into the soundtrack alone. Score:8
Replayability: This is where the game wins me over. After you've beaten the game, and saved yourself. You think that's all she rode, well your wrong! After you've beaten the game, the AI, and the Games engine record that, and throw out new enemies, areas and weapons to the player. So say that in the swamps there was a barricaded bridge you couldn't cross at the start of the game, well now it's open to you. And each time you beat it the enemies become more abundant and harder. Score: 9
Reviewer Tilt: This is one of the greatest games I've played in my time on the PC. It has kept me up all hours of the night, and kept me guessing the whole way. I play multiplayer on a regular basis, and it just gets better and better. I would recommend picking it up when you get chance. Score: 9 Final Score: 9 out of 10
DeV Administrator v.5
Posts : 2539 Reputation : 14 Age : 32 Join date : 2009-12-30 Location : Texas
The pictures are from a site, but the review format is the old "Highwind Review" style, nice to see someone still using it. Very nice review Nightmare.
DeV Administrator v.5
Posts : 2539 Reputation : 14 Age : 32 Join date : 2009-12-30 Location : Texas
The pictures are from a site, but the review format is the old "Highwind Review" style, nice to see someone still using it. Very nice review Nightmare.
Ohh ok, thanks for clearing that up for me rune..never seen a review like that other than on websites