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PostSubject: Suggestion   Suggestion Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 1:03 am

To the scrim team leaders an idea for you guys:
Instead of bothering about picking captains, just have everyone hit auto assign and those will be the teams for the entire game, because

1.) It takes too damn long to pick captains and to see who has first pick, therefore you're more effecient and have more time to play, and you dont have to worry about stacked teams because captain 1 wanted bob because he's the best rifle player.

2.) Have someone that knows how to switch mods from autos to rifles before the inclan actually takes place, so lets say we have an in clan at 1930 CST (7:30 CST), have someone that knows how to switch mods switch the mods and lock the server at about 1845-1855 CST (6:45-6:55 CST). This also will help make the inclan run smoother and seem more organized because when people get on, all they have to do is hit auto-assign and they're ready to go.

This is just my suggestion on how to make inclan scrims be more efficient
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PostSubject: Re: Suggestion   Suggestion Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 1:04 am

I agree completely with you. That's a really good idea when there's a lot of people on the server.
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Senior Member v.5
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PostSubject: Re: Suggestion   Suggestion Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 1:17 am

good idea dev i was thinkin on that too..the last time we scrim it was so much slow
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Administrator v.5
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PostSubject: Re: Suggestion   Suggestion Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 1:18 am

Yeah, they seem to be highly unorganized and by the time we get set up half the members left because they had to go do something else or got impatient
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PostSubject: Re: Suggestion   Suggestion Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 1:20 am

DeV wrote:
Yeah, they seem to be highly unorganized and by the time we get set up half the members left because they had to go do something else or got impatient

We only lost like 3 people total before it ended... and it is the 4th...

Lol, but good suggestion regardless, I do think that we should have scrims more organized..
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PostSubject: Re: Suggestion   Suggestion Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 2:26 pm

well here let me put it this way.There are two types of in-clans in my opinion.
1. a in-clan is set up on the spot with anyone available
2. inclans are organized tornaments, with designated captains and teams. Scrims are set up in advance.

Easier is #1
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PostSubject: Re: Suggestion   Suggestion Icon_minitime

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