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PostSubject: Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 12:26 pm

i was first only refering to the ppl that banned point was that i went to u guys server and demon asked fro the site. i woulda xfred him but i didnt hav his xfire on my old xfire account so. i ask that u would plz disregard all the other stuff oh and

couldnt agree more animal, yoda and cobra please grow up and hopefully you can take some constructive criticism as this first started out to be, and follow the rules of any clan, and of any state

i believe DeV said that which my name was uncalled for considering i was sleeping but anyway i will try to dirigaurd tht comment

anyways im just tying to give a peacefull solution. and likee i was saying i was already half a sleep when i typed this so who knows wat i said. 761984
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PostSubject: Re: Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 1:47 pm

cobra wrote:

i believe DeV said that which my name was uncalled for considering i was sleeping but anyway i will try to dirigaurd tht comment 761984

Cobra, what are you reffering to? Because if you're saying I don't want you unbanned that's false, the only reason things happened the way they happened early this morning is because you and Yoda misinterpreted our tones (which i know is a hard thing to interpret tones through text) . But on the flip side if you think me saying you calling us pricks is uncalled for, it was seeing as it was you're first post and brought out in the first sentence.

At this point, I do think you should be unbanned but with a very stern warning
at this point im hoping you've learned that breaking rules only gets you in trouble
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