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PostSubject: Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 12:52 pm

well first off i was only refering to the ppl that banned me and i was jsut trying to make my point that i went ito ownt rifles and demon was wanted the site so he could join. i didnt hav his xfire cuz i wnt back to my old xfire username and he was only on my old one and he was bout to go and wouldnt just answer me wat his xfire was so not my fault and second of DeV posted that i need to grow up well wtf u think ur talking to im sry but i was aslepp when all this was going on and i apologize for wat yoda said but u coulda left my name outa that that was just uncalled for considering i was SLEEPING and like i said i said i was already half a sleep when i typed that post so i hope u can disregaurd any of the disrespectful things i said jsut like i will try to disregaurd wat DeV said Ok. gosh i didnt mean for all this crap to happen i was just tying to get me unbanned from my all time favorite clan server. i hope u can accept my apologizes and forgive
best aplogizes,Cobra
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PostSubject: Re: Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 12:57 pm

I hope you will be more mature in the server and the forums this time, and tell your little friend Yoda to please act respectfully with ownt. I do think you should be unbanned, considering what you have said. If you do get unbanned, please be more mature on the servers and the forums Smile Have a nice day, and be nice!
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PostSubject: Re: Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 1:02 pm

lol YES SIR rofl
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PostSubject: Re: Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 1:41 pm

cobra wrote:
well first off i was only refering to the ppl that banned me and i was jsut trying to make my point that i went ito ownt rifles and demon was wanted the site so he could join. i didnt hav his xfire cuz i wnt back to my old xfire username and he was only on my old one and he was bout to go and wouldnt just answer me wat his xfire was so not my fault and second of DeV posted that i need to grow up well wtf u think ur talking to im sry but i was aslepp when all this was going on and i apologize for wat yoda said but u coulda left my name outa that that was just uncalled for considering i was SLEEPING and like i said i said i was already half a sleep when i typed that post so i hope u can disregaurd any of the disrespectful things i said jsut like i will try to disregaurd wat DeV said Ok. gosh i didnt mean for all this crap to happen i was just tying to get me unbanned from my all time favorite clan server. i hope u can accept my apologizes and forgive
best aplogizes,Cobra

Cobra, i told you that because you came on OwnT's forums early in the morning, and without specifying other than "not all of you are" and called us pricks, so yeah i think its fair enough for me to tell you to grow up, because

1.) It won't help you're situation
2.) It's completely immature to call people pricks when you were breaking server rules

was i trying to be a dick? no i wasn't, you misinterpretted my tone completely last night.
Am I being a dick right now? no im not, i don't mean any disrespect in this post either
Do I want you to get unbanned, yes I think its fair enough for me to say you've been punished enough and that you'll learn from this
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PostSubject: Re: Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 1:58 pm

lol like said i was sleeping though
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PostSubject: Re: Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 4:16 pm

sleeping and still being able to type.. quite a feat there my young friend Smile

As far as the unbanning goes for you and yoda I shall confer with the other admins and we shall see.
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