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2 posters
Sergeant - 1.3
Sergeant - 1.3

Posts : 124
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Age : 30
Join date : 2009-09-30
Location : Hong Kong

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PostSubject: Inactive   Inactive Icon_minitimeSat Oct 31, 2009 9:41 am

Hey guys, as you probably seen for last months, I haven't been on at all, first reason being high school, too much damn homework, second thing is my mom doesn't want me to mess up the Mac, because it's her work tool and last but no least, I'm doing some recording (Garage Band)
But, Apple is putting up Macs at only 700$ promo, and my mom will most likely get it, leaving the other Mac for me, and I might be able to play a little (only a little).
Until then, cya guys! Bounce Bounce Bounce
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Posts : 283
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Age : 31
Join date : 2009-09-25
Location : N.C.

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PostSubject: Re: Inactive   Inactive Icon_minitimeSat Oct 31, 2009 1:43 pm

I feel u. My band wuz about 2 record this summer but we were short on funds, give me ur myspace so i can check u out, and when we record ill show u some of our originals
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Inactive Empty
PostSubject: Re: Inactive   Inactive Icon_minitimeSat Oct 31, 2009 1:57 pm

hopefully your mom gets that computer so you can play once in a while. as for the band stuff, that sounds like fun id like to check out your guys' stuff someday to if possible

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PostSubject: Re: Inactive   Inactive Icon_minitime

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