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 Sotw #1

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Posts : 1554
Reputation : 13
Age : 28
Join date : 2009-09-22
Location : In A Little Town With $%^&amp;amp;amp;amp; To Do
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Sotw #1 Empty
PostSubject: Sotw #1   Sotw #1 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 01, 2010 11:37 pm

Seeing as the gfxx section of Ownt is getting popular, im gunna make a sotw competition (signature of the week).
DO NOT post material that does not belong to you. Your entry will be deleted, and you will be BANNED.

Post your entry in the ENTRY THREAD, and all discussions go to the DISCUSSIONS THREAD.

If you would like to edit your entry, please EDIT your post, and replace anything with your new entry. Duplicate posts will be DELETED.

You are expected to create NEW works for each SOTW entry you plan to participate in. Duplicate entries found in multiple SOTWs will lead you to being SUSPENDED.

If your entry is found with any pornography, racism, or anything inappropriate to the staff, your entry will be DELETED, and you will be SUSPENDED.

Do NOT PM any staff member and complain about the end results. Any PMs, topics, and posts that are negative to your losing will be deleted, and you will be WARNED.

No pre-mades are allowed! I will ban you from entering the SOTW ever again.
Banned as in From SOTW Comps..
Format -
 [[/color][color=#bfbfbf]code[/color][color=#adaf00]][/color][color=#bfbfbf]username [/color][color=#adaf00]-[/color][color=#bfbfbf] image link

Sotw #1 Batman2
 Stronger - [img][url=[/img][/img[/url]]


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