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Fire? Empty
PostSubject: Fire?   Fire? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 02, 2010 11:29 am

Did Fire join Ownt? Because I found a little something on the Extreme forums...

Covert said that Fire joined us...and he hacks...
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Fire? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire?   Fire? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 02, 2010 12:02 pm

We have an ArcFire.. I'm pretty sure he doesn't hack though..
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Fire? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire?   Fire? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 02, 2010 12:19 pm

Nope Smile Arcfire is not Fire!

Fire's app from extreme:
Fir3 wrote:
In-Game Name:Fir3

First Name:Matt

Have you ever been a member of Extreme: no
Have you ever applied for Extreme:no
Occupation/Grade: salesman
What are some of your hobbies/interests: sports cod
How often do you play in a week: 5 hours a day i would say
Do you have Ventrilo & Microphone? vent yes mic i can get one
X-Fire user name (Required): codfire132
Clan experience: 1.5 clans mostly
Are you currently in a clan on COD1.3? no
Reason of interest in Extreme: seem like good ppl want to have fun
Recruiter/Sponsor (If no one, put self): self
Did you read our rules? yes i did

ArcFire's app here on Ownt:
Arcfire wrote:
ingame name: >>Arcfire<<
first name: mike
have u ever been a member of Ownt: nope
have u ever applied to be in Ownt: nope
age: 16
gender: male
grade: sophmore in HS
hobbies/interests: drawing, computer
how often do u play a week: almost every day
xfire username: theleadfeather
clan experience: none ( just play on Ownt rifles alot)
are u currently in a clan on codv1.3? nope
reason/interest of Ownt: play on server a lot, love scrims/ clan wars
recruiter: i forget (:
read rules: yes

Also he was discharged for and I will qoute:
we believe he is wallhacking and have 5 demos. sorry please removed extreme tags

So due to the fact that I am no longer see a reason to keep this thread open I will close it..

Thank you for your attation to these matters Dark. If something comes up down the road we will act on it. But for right now we have nothing to go off of Smile

Have a wonderful day everyone!
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Fire? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fire?   Fire? Icon_minitime

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