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 Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e...

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Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... Empty
PostSubject: Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e...   Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 4:43 pm

I was playing under the name "UnnamedSoldier" or something like that. "Nitro" is what CQC renamed to I believe.

This guy was trying to recruit me. I didn't do anything to him though. Thought I might let the others decide what to do.

It's right at the beginning of the demo, but you can watch the full game if you want. I was lagging in some parts so... anyway. enjoy.
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Senior Member v.3
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Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e...   Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 4:56 pm

That's the guy that used to be in Ownt also...he was Bowlerfreak or something like that.
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Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e...   Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 12:55 am

rofl yeah, he used to be in Ownt, so he should know the rules. Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... 936796 Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... 612118
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Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e...   Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 1:00 am

damn, this kid readded em to xfire and i accepted. i deleted him for a reason.
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Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e...   Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 9:47 am

yeah, i told them to rename there clan, and well they took my advice, but there tags still suck. Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... 263632
hopefully they figure out a way to recruit legitly.
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PostSubject: Re: Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e...   Nitro Blaze/ 13laz3 w/e... Icon_minitime

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