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 World War II Museum Trip

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PostSubject: World War II Museum Trip   World War II Museum Trip Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 11:43 pm

These pictures were taken on a trip with my church to the National World War II Museum in New Orleans.
We went on the 21st of May, which i believe was the day before Armed Forces Day.
It was foggy, cold and rainy that day, which i think added to the fun.
It was pretty awesome, a WWII fans paradise.

This is the Museums website.

We saw "Beyond All Boundaries" in The Solomon Victory Theater just across from the main museum building.
I highly recommend going to see this if you visit the museum.

Museum wrote:
Beyond All Boundaries, created exclusively for The National World War II Museum, is a unique and powerful 4-D cinematic experience available nowhere else in the world. Created and crafted with 21st-century technology and utilizing a 120-feet wide immersive screen, the production plunges viewers into the 20th-century’s most titanic struggle. It tells the tale of the Greatest Generation’s journey from Pearl Harbor into the fire of epic battles to America’s final victory in the War That Changed the World in the words of the veterans themselves.

To give you an idea of how intense this experience is, when we pulled up to the museum, there was an ambulance outside the theater. Presumably the guy had a seizure, but i can't say for sure.

Here are the pictures.

I'll try to go into detail on some of the pictures later, but for now this will have to suffice.

Just a note, i didn't take these pictures, we had a photographer in our group.

This first picture is of the people in my church who had served in the military.

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PostSubject: Re: World War II Museum Trip   World War II Museum Trip Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 11:45 pm

GEEEEZ!!!! lol to many pics!!!
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PostSubject: Re: World War II Museum Trip   World War II Museum Trip Icon_minitimeTue Oct 26, 2010 11:46 pm

Shock nice lol
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World War II Museum Trip Empty
PostSubject: Re: World War II Museum Trip   World War II Museum Trip Icon_minitimeWed Oct 27, 2010 12:01 am

impressive! Big Grin
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Sergeant - 1.3
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PostSubject: Re: World War II Museum Trip   World War II Museum Trip Icon_minitimeWed Oct 27, 2010 12:01 am

rofl. nice. kinda wish i went with you lol
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PostSubject: Re: World War II Museum Trip   World War II Museum Trip Icon_minitime

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