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 Me Vs Rain round 3

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Me Vs Rain round 3 Empty
PostSubject: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 7:26 am

This one was a tie so the score still is
Me 2
Rain 0

11/28 04:59:45 Rain: :3 round 3?
11/28 05:00:16 SarahBeth: IDC you start it
11/28 05:00:25 Rain: --.--
11/28 05:00:58 Rain: i think u look like a man
11/28 05:01:08 Rain: o.o
11/28 05:01:59 SarahBeth: really which man?
11/28 05:02:16 Rain: A dirty mexican jew
11/28 05:03:07 SarahBeth: good i collect all your earnings when i imagrant here illeagly and become a citizen under obama and devals new plans and your retire poor broke and homeless in the streets
11/28 05:03:54 Rain: i odnt pay taxes im not legal adult Me Vs Rain round 3 901427
11/28 05:04:01 Rain: dont*
11/28 05:04:12 Rain: so i dont really care
11/28 05:04:32 SarahBeth: you and your family end up living in the streets with no eletronics because you are supporting me in my mansion
11/28 05:04:50 Rain: ehh ill survive ill get to live life to the fullest
11/28 05:04:57 Rain: nt have ot pay bills
11/28 05:05:07 SarahBeth: get hit by a street car
11/28 05:05:10 Rain: yeha ill be hungry
11/28 05:05:12 SarahBeth: loose both legs
11/28 05:05:14 Rain: wait wat?
11/28 05:05:20 Rain: wth ?
11/28 05:05:34 Rain: live in f Me Vs Rain round 3 772460 ky were the hell are street cars?
11/28 05:05:35 SarahBeth: get gaine green
11/28 05:05:59 Rain: my bad
11/28 05:06:03 Rain: i live in ky btw
11/28 05:06:04 SarahBeth: you got thrown out to LA
11/28 05:06:15 Rain: i walk back
11/28 05:06:22 SarahBeth: with no legs?
11/28 05:06:29 Rain: never lost them Me Vs Rain round 3 901427
11/28 05:06:37 Rain: no street cars in kyy
11/28 05:06:44 SarahBeth: you got hit by a street car and lost them.. read above^^
11/28 05:07:22 Rain: i wrap them in bandages and crawl everywhere
11/28 05:07:42 SarahBeth: get molested by a huge dog
11/28 05:08:21 Rain: im laughing to hard lol
11/28 05:08:32 Rain: marry dog
11/28 05:08:56 SarahBeth: get beaten up by a hillbilly and your ass loaded with buckshot for stealing his coon hound
11/28 05:09:53 Rain: crawl away
11/28 05:10:05 SarahBeth: get mauled by grizzly
11/28 05:10:34 Rain: send all thoughts memories to friend and control his body
11/28 05:11:35 SarahBeth: yuppers Me Vs Rain round 3 942528
11/28 05:11:54 SarahBeth: anyways your friend commits suicide and everything dies with him
11/28 05:12:00 SarahBeth: no..
11/28 05:12:07 Rain: duh?
11/28 05:12:10 SarahBeth: drug deal gone bad
11/28 05:12:27 SarahBeth: ends up beheaded
11/28 05:12:27 Rain: wth does drug deal have to do with controling friends body O.o
11/28 05:12:39 SarahBeth: ^
11/28 05:12:41 Rain: u totally go off topic xD
11/28 05:13:08 SarahBeth: nope he got into a drug deal gone bad and they chopped off his head
11/28 05:13:26 SarahBeth: yup
11/28 05:13:38 Rain: send mind to one of drug dealers
11/28 05:13:41 SarahBeth: and all your memories go with him
11/28 05:14:03 Rain: i ahd a son!
11/28 05:14:05 Rain: had*
11/28 05:14:20 Rain: He travels up into canada
11/28 05:14:23 Rain: find u
11/28 05:14:29 Rain: rape u
11/28 05:14:32 SarahBeth: dingo kills him
11/28 05:14:32 Rain: kill u
11/28 05:14:43 Rain: dingo is 9 O.o
11/28 05:14:46 SarahBeth: before he kills mee
11/28 05:14:50 SarahBeth: Me Vs Rain round 3 512317
11/28 05:14:57 Rain: he cant even hold a gun O.o
11/28 05:15:01 SarahBeth: he is very affecitionate
11/28 05:15:07 Rain: O.o
11/28 05:15:12 Rain: wat!?
11/28 05:15:21 SarahBeth: no he just rips his heart out and eats it
11/28 05:15:36 Rain: o in other words dingo kille dhimself O.o
11/28 05:15:53 SarahBeth: no dingo killed your son
11/28 05:15:59 SarahBeth: 2 diffrent people
11/28 05:16:09 Rain: O.o
11/28 05:16:17 Rain: i dont care he raped u
11/28 05:16:23 Rain: mission accomplished
11/28 05:16:28 SarahBeth: and now he is dead.. and you are dead..
11/28 05:16:30 Rain: now u will rember that forever
11/28 05:16:37 SarahBeth: i enjoyed it.. IDC..
11/28 05:16:38 SarahBeth: lol
11/28 05:16:42 Rain: u were raped by my family line
11/28 05:16:48 Rain: my family line.
11/28 05:16:52 SarahBeth: so?
11/28 05:17:03 Rain: u have all stds i had caus ei passed to my son Me Vs Rain round 3 901427
11/28 05:17:09 SarahBeth: I can't bear children.
11/28 05:17:12 SarahBeth: he used a comdem
11/28 05:17:14 Rain: u will die in 3 days from syphilis
11/28 05:17:17 SarahBeth: he was quite hygenic
11/28 05:17:23 Rain: nbot all condoms prtect from stds
11/28 05:17:28 SarahBeth: this one does
11/28 05:17:29 SarahBeth: =]
11/28 05:17:30 Rain: doesnt matter
11/28 05:17:36 Rain: u got syphilis
11/28 05:17:38 Rain: u die
11/28 05:17:42 Rain: i wim
11/28 05:17:46 Rain: win*
11/28 05:18:03 Rain: Me Vs Rain round 3 901427

11/28 05:18:21 *** You have been disconnected from the server ***
11/28 05:18:23 'Rain' has joined the chat.
11/28 05:18:23 'Vixen' has joined the chat.

11/28 05:18:23 *** You have been reconnected to the server ***
11/28 05:18:23 'Rain' has joined the chat.
11/28 05:18:23 'Vixen' has joined the chat.
11/28 05:18:23 'SarahBeth' has joined the chat.
11/28 05:18:30 SarahBeth: stupid internet
11/28 05:18:31 SarahBeth: lol
11/28 05:18:34 SarahBeth: I am treated
11/28 05:18:49 SarahBeth: lol that deasie is treatable
11/28 05:18:50 SarahBeth: haha
11/28 05:18:51 Rain: u died alreadyy ^look above^
11/28 05:18:52 SarahBeth: you fail
11/28 05:18:54 SarahBeth: I win
11/28 05:19:06 Rain: u died already
11/28 05:19:15 Rain: ^above^
11/28 05:19:25 SarahBeth: if it had been a fatel deises i would have dies
11/28 05:19:38 SarahBeth: its not.
11/28 05:19:38 Rain: .... u dont get it
11/28 05:19:39 SarahBeth: lol
11/28 05:19:42 Rain: i already said u died
11/28 05:19:50 Rain: and then u said u got treated O.o
11/28 05:20:01 Rain: ok u got treated. but ur still dead
11/28 05:20:13 SarahBeth: but u and him died before me.. so I win
11/28 05:20:15 SarahBeth: haha
11/28 05:20:51 Rain: but in the end my only goal was fo ru to die
11/28 05:20:54 Rain: and guess wat
11/28 05:20:56 Rain: u died
11/28 05:21:02 Rain: so its kinda a tie
11/28 05:21:08 SarahBeth: true..
11/28 05:21:12 Rain: o.o
11/28 05:21:31 Rain: haha!
11/28 05:21:32 Rain: lol
11/28 05:22:07 SarahBeth: but actually u fail cause syphilis is not fatal in most cases..
11/28 05:22:14 SarahBeth: and it would take soem time to become fatal
11/28 05:22:30 Rain: but look above
11/28 05:22:34 Rain: u died O.O
11/28 05:22:40 Rain: x,x
11/28 05:22:44 Rain: '.'
11/28 05:22:47 SarahBeth: but u also said 3 days.
11/28 05:22:54 SarahBeth: I was treated in those 3 days
11/28 05:22:56 SarahBeth: Me Vs Rain round 3 512317
11/28 05:23:11 Rain: nopee
11/28 05:23:13 Rain: Rain: doesnt matter
11/28 05:23:41 Rain: Rain: u got syphilis
11/28 05:23:45 Rain: Rain: u die
11/28 05:24:47 Rain: soooooo............
11/28 05:24:51 Rain: truce?
11/28 05:24:56 SarahBeth: truce
11/28 05:25:02 Rain: *shake*
11/28 05:25:04 SarahBeth: so me 0 you 0
11/28 05:25:06 SarahBeth: on this one
11/28 05:25:14 Rain: true
11/28 05:25:16 Rain: dat sista
11/28 05:25:27 SarahBeth: off to the forums with it
11/28 05:25:31 Rain: omg lol
11/28 05:25:54 Rain: Me Vs Rain round 3 772460 DAMN'T

Last edited by SarahBeth on Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:34 am; edited 3 times in total
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Me Vs Rain round 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 7:29 am

not gonna lie i still liked the first fight the best lol
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Me Vs Rain round 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 2:42 pm

lol i want a fourth round
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Me Vs Rain round 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 3:17 pm

Bravo Sarah, Bravo.
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Me Vs Rain round 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 3:20 pm

surkus8 wrote:
Bravo Sarah, Bravo.

:'( i dont get bravo
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Me Vs Rain round 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 3:21 pm

Rain wrote:
surkus8 wrote:
Bravo Sarah, Bravo.

:'( i dont get bravo

cause you always lose lol
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Me Vs Rain round 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 3:23 pm

................ i tied that time
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Me Vs Rain round 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 3:24 pm

you almost
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Me Vs Rain round 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 4:03 pm

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Me Vs Rain round 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:42 pm

i so can hold a gun Frown there is one up in my closet ^^
i am also 15 Smile
and i ate a heart...
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Me Vs Rain round 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:44 pm

dingo wrote:
i so can hold a gun Frown there is one up in my closet ^^
i am also 15 Smile
and i ate a heart...

**** ****! Can i have some?
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PostSubject: Re: Me Vs Rain round 3   Me Vs Rain round 3 Icon_minitime

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