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 Recent Departures and some other stuff

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PostSubject: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:05 am

OK, I am saddened that all the guys left. But thats life.

However while I wished they stayed with us I understand where the guys from Evil are coming from.

Now I know there is come hostility towards Evil since its reform and I know a lot of this is generated by the fact some of the guys left here for them. Now I understand why you guys are hostile.

Now, I am going to say this this hostility is not helping anyone either here in Ownt or anywhere. My suggestion to this is just mellow out. Yes it sucks. Yes its sad. But causing friction between yourselves and anyone else is not going to help the situation at all.

I for one understand the reasoning behind the members who left for Evil. That came from Evil.

Might I also make one more partying note. If you notice some of the members who left for Evil are still with us. They just requested to be moved to the 1.5 division. and no longer be apart of the 1.3.

Now I will say this I recently saw some name changes in the Xfire group. I am going to request that you not wear another clans tags on our xfire group. Your nickname on xfire you put it to w/e you want.

But on this one

I am requesting that you wear your Ownt tags or just your regular name.

Thank you all for understanding,
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*Evil* Member
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:15 am

Thank you for summing everything up vixen, and i have a GREAT amount of respect for ownt, but I was seriously dissapointed by the way cwian and morris were acting in server today, I understand that surkus was spamming, and I apologize on his part, but there is no reason to get hostile over people leaving a clan to goto another. Like Dingo for example, didn't even come to EVIL, but instead of saying that we stole people from other clans, why can't you accept the fact that maybe they wanted to join in theyre own free will. Morris and Cwian, I hope you lighten up about the situation, and Vixen I'm very glad, and appreciative to see this post.
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Corporal - 1.5
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:19 am

the main thing for me is i dont want to be blammed for tearing the clan apart.
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:21 am

thanks Vixen Smile i love u Smile)))) no homo though xD ill be seein u still and fightin with sarah so dont u forget me Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:22 am

thank you vixen... sorry again to everyone.. i would like to be moved to 1.5. i shoulda clarified that. so everyone, we cool? Smile

same what deth said but im on my psp so i thought my reply was long. lol guess not.

<3 ownt + members
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:25 am

first im not mad about u guys leaving, to be perfectly honest crap happens and we have to move on. You guys are showing loyality to ur original clan and I respect you for that but SurkuS just pushed a little bit to hard. I have alot of respect for Evil and I know you guys wished us no harm when u returned to Evil just be considerate that coming to the clan u just left and spamming to scrim us might not be that great of an idea and to be perfectly honest I was ok with that but when it escalated to trash talking is when I erupted and I'm sorry for doing so but I'm just asking you guys to be considerate..... remember this was very sudden this all happened over a period of two days its alot for a person to take in.
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:37 am

im sorry cwian. we good? Smile

i shouldve thought about it a little bit more. im honestly sorry.

also, a quick sorry to missssssttttttttta pig. i admit it dude, your good Smile shouldnt of escalated it
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:45 am

VolumE wrote:
Thank you for summing everything up vixen, and i have a GREAT amount of respect for ownt, but I was seriously dissapointed by the way cwian and morris were acting in server today, I understand that surkus was spamming, and I apologize on his part, but there is no reason to get hostile over people leaving a clan to goto another. Like Dingo for example, didn't even come to EVIL, but instead of saying that we stole people from other clans, why can't you accept the fact that maybe they wanted to join in theyre own free will. Morris and Cwian, I hope you lighten up about the situation, and Vixen I'm very glad, and appreciative to see this post.

You were the one who wouldn't shut up about the scrimming. I got fed up.. I wasn't the scared one, I just didn't feel like scrimming. So when I finally said I'd scrim, you shut up.. And I asked you if YOU were scared or something. If you wanna scrim, we'll scrim.. But don't come on spamming crap and talking crap about us being scared when you end up not doing it. And yes, Ikk we still were gonna do it in the end if we coulda locked the server.. Sorry about that.

And you even saw what I said.. It's completely dumb to argue about this stuff. I understand people left on their own free will.. But there was a lotttttta pressure on people to do so. But that's ok, I'm sure Ownt prob took people from other clans when we started up. It just pains me to see all my good friends leave.. Hope you understand that. But as far as I know, no one is upset at me.. I'm cool with Surkus, Lastshot.. You.. and everyone. And I really do hope we can have some good scrims in the future. And I wish you all the best o' luck with everything. I apologize if I did get a little outta the way.

Buuut yeah. -Mo
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Corporal - 1.5
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:48 am

evil put no pressure on anyone to join at all...
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*Evil* Member
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:52 am

How about we all stop arguing and have some pie? Smile
Christmas is coming up, lets not fight over a video game.
No one pressured no one, people have their moments of being immature, we're all human.
Evil likes scrimming, Ownt doesn't. I don't see why anyone can see controversy in this, its just the way it is.
I'm sorry that we all left all of sudden, its kinda like the stock market crash, and it causes big BOOM.
But, eventually we'll settle our differences, and realize that we are all still friends, even though we may have a different label.
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*Evil* Member
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 12:58 am

morris, i didn't ever say you were scared, nor did i spam to scrim, that was surkus and arti, and in my earlier post i apologized on their part. So please don't come at ME for what someone else did, thats the only reason i started bad mouthing. Sorry if i offended anyone, but I'm simply defending evils honor.

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Administrator v.4
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 1:01 am


mega Phone mega Phone mega Phone mega Phone mega Phone mega Phone mega Phone mega Phone mega Phone mega Phone

there are wat 100 players left on 1.3 why do we have to start this crap....... ppl we have to move on. I finally thought we had killed all the drama and then ppl start freaking out.


Evil is not stealing members from Ownt, in fact we stole a lot of members from Evil when it originally collapsed so in all right we have no reason to be pissed. If C2A came back the same thing would happen and I would be caught between a rock and a hard place. All this proves is that ppl truly are loyal to Evil that doesnt change anything about who they are.

Sure I dont like it that the clan I am loyal to took a hit but at some point ppl have to realize that other ppl are loyal to other things.

In fact with how small 1.3 has become I look at us all as one big clan. I mean we are all stubborn beyond belief who else would stay with a patch that has steadily been dieing for the last three years, and as soon as we realize that we are all thats left of a dieing system the sooner we all start gettin along better.

I just hope that comes before we all bury eachother in anger and vengance.
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 1:04 am

Recent Departures and some other stuff 459398 Recent Departures and some other stuff 459398 Recent Departures and some other stuff 459398 Recent Departures and some other stuff 459398

OK really guys? Enough is enough. I really don't want to get into a all out clan war right now. I just got back from vacation and now I'm cleaning the aftermath of this up.. Just call it quits ok. They left. If they left on their own accord wonderful If they where pressured then I hope they grow a spine Recent Departures and some other stuff 232377

But the bottom line is whats done is done. Now shake hands make up/out IDC.
Arguing is not going to solve anything now lets just move on.

Living in the past is like visiting and re-visiting history hoping that the past can alter the present, or reminiscing on "what might have been, or chewing on plain, old fashion nostalgia." Recent Departures and some other stuff B?P=W9ForkwNBq6FpY7VTKt4kiQR0Fdigk0AU1oAABxz&T=18fl3b9ir%2fX%3d1291866970%2fE%3d2143397829%2fR%3dacont%2fK%3d5%2fV%3d8.1%2fW%3d0%2fY%3dYAHOO%2fF%3d852849160%2fH%3dcG49ImFjb250IiBzZXJ2ZUlkPSJXOUZvcmt3TkJxNkZwWTdWVEt0NGtpUVIwRmRpZ2swQVUxb0FBQnh6IiBzaXRlSWQ9IjQ4MTMwNTEiIHRTdG1wPSIxMjkxODY2OTcwMDA4NDYwIiA-%2fQ%3d-1%2fS%3d1%2fJ%3d71060D4C&U=1424fb74d%2fN%3da_wYCmKImk0-%2fC%3d601164412.601625688.538863551
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You cannot rewrite history, you can only learn from it, and move on.


PS I really hope I don't need to do anything about this thread.


^That's the line in the sand. Might I advise no one crosses it!
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Corporal - 1.5
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 1:08 am


hehehehe im over :P (:
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 2:01 am

alright guys it doesnt matter whos in what clan it just matters that we are all friends Smile Heart
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 2:05 am

stop copying what i already said !! im gonna sue u for plagerising...(prolly phail spelling but watever) Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 3:50 am

Guys... all i have to say is the following: when i log in to this forum you know what's the 1st thing is see?

"Welcome to the Ownt Clan! The Great Melting Pot of CoD 1.3 Smile"

"The melting pot of CoD 1.3 Smile" I take it as a place where a bunch of people from a bunch of different places, with way different backgrounds from when 1.3 was big came together and formed a clan. What happened shouldn't had been a surprise to anyone... shouldn't be hard feelings, shouldn't be any fights. Is not like we won't see each other anymore. Heck there is only 5 playable rifles servers. Odds are we will see each other, just with different labels. To be honest I'm sooo glad EVIL is back.

Having only 2 big clans was getting boring. now we throw something else in the mix. I dont care who it is, as long as we keep 1.3 active and interesting I say bring it on!"

I suggest you all read the following book

"Who moved my cheese" by Dr. Spencer Johnson

Great little book on change and adaptation to change. Don't resist, embrace and adapt, or you will be left behind.
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 2:56 pm

Well.. I've had people contact me about leaving ownt (which ain't happenin') so the idea that there's "no pressure" and it's only those who've previously been in Evil is completely ludicrous. But that's fine, you're allowed to do that, and I have nothing against anyone. <3 Evil, Extreme, MsM, and everyone else.. I have friends in every clan.. And it's completely retarded to let this ruin that. So yeah! I wish everyone the best o' luck with everything! (:
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 2:58 pm

Sorry 4 double post- but I agree w/ Casper- as long as we can keep 1.3 populated, IDC how it's done. Long Live 1.3! Big Grin
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 5:31 pm

ok, well i havent really commented on this yet, and some of you know i am back in evil..

All but like 2 people who left for evil. were in it before it died. Evil is a fun place, that scrims and is not as uptight, and that is fun to play in. The players chose to leave. No one presured them. Please do not hate evil. a clan can not take members. they must chose to go to it. While i have loved the times i have been in ownt, it is hard to compete with the stupid fun i have in evil.

Really tho. there is nothing to bicker like old ladies about. the players chose to leave. and at least they still play cod.

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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 5:44 pm

nvm once again i retract wat was previously said in this message so it doesnt progress
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 6:09 pm

Animal wrote:
ok, well i havent really commented on this yet, and some of you know i am back in evil..

All but like 2 people who left for evil. were in it before it died. Evil is a fun place, that scrims and is not as uptight, and that is fun to play in. The players chose to leave. No one presured them. Please do not hate evil. a clan can not take members. they must chose to go to it. While i have loved the times i have been in ownt, it is hard to compete with the stupid fun i have in evil.

Really tho. there is nothing to bicker like old ladies about. the players chose to leave. and at least they still play cod.


Sexy Banani,
Who hates Evil? O,O
And I agree.. Nothing to argue about. I think the thread should be locked.
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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 6:24 pm

Alright, I feel the same way as people

we got riled up, yay, we're human.... thats what we do.

I Heart even SINGLE damn member in this clan, even the ones i havent met.

So, I'm saying im sorry, honestly. now please lock this topic and forget this ever happened.

Please vix, put that G'wan thing on..


Now, this is just a video game for fun. and now I say peace.

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PostSubject: Re: Recent Departures and some other stuff   Recent Departures and some other stuff Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 7:36 pm

or.. i can do this..

Thread Locked... banani style Big Grin

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