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 NHL Standings

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PostSubject: NHL Standings   NHL Standings Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2011 12:52 pm

Eastern Conference
1 y - Washington 80 47 22 11 105 42 5 6 24-8-8 23-14-3 219 194 +25 7-2-1 Won 3
2 x - Philadelphia 80 46 23 11 103 43 3 7 21-12-7 25-11-4 249 215 +34 3-4-3 Lost 4
3 y - Boston 79 44 24 11 99 42 2 6 20-13-6 24-11-5 238 189 +49 5-3-2 Lost 1
4 x - Pittsburgh 80 47 25 8 102 38 9 3 25-14-2 22-11-6 229 194 +35 7-3-0 Won 2
5 x - Tampa Bay 80 44 25 11 99 38 6 6 24-11-5 20-14-6 237 236 +1 5-3-2 Lost 1
6 x - Montreal 80 43 30 7 93 40 3 3 24-11-6 19-19-1 210 205 +5 5-5-0 Won 2
7 Buffalo 80 41 29 10 92 36 5 1 20-16-4 21-13-6 236 222 +14 7-1-2 Won 2
8 NY Rangers 80 43 32 5 91 34 9 3 19-16-4 24-16-1 228 193 +35 7-2-1 Won 2

Carolina 79 38 30 11 87 33 5 5 21-13-5 17-17-6 225 232 -7 7-2-1 Lost 1
e - Toronto 80 37 32 11 85 32 5 6 18-14-8 19-18-3 215 243 -28 7-2-1 Lost 1
e - Atlanta 79 33 34 12 78 28 5 7 17-15-7 16-19-5 217 258 -41 4-6-0 Lost 2
e - New Jersey 79 36 38 5 77 33 3 2 20-16-3 16-22-2 165 200 -35 3-6-1 Lost 2
e - NY Islanders 79 30 37 12 72 26 4 5 17-18-5 13-19-7 220 250 -30 3-5-2 Lost 1
e - Ottawa 80 31 39 10 72 29 2 5 15-20-5 16-19-5 188 245 -57 6-3-1 Won 1
e - Florida 79 29 38 12 70 25 4 7 15-17-8 14-21-4 190 220 -30 1-6-3 Lost 8
Western Conference
1 * - Vancouver 80 52 19 9 113 48 4 5 26-9-5 26-10-4 254 183 +71 7-3-0 Lost 2
2 y - San Jose 79 47 23 9 103 42 5 5 24-11-5 23-12-4 240 202 +38 8-1-1 Won 4
3 y - Detroit 79 46 23 10 102 42 4 4 21-13-6 25-10-4 255 231 +24 5-3-2 Won 2
4 Nashville 80 43 26 11 97 37 6 4 23-9-8 20-17-3 215 191 +24 8-1-1 Won 1
5 Phoenix 79 42 25 12 96 37 5 5 20-13-7 22-12-5 224 217 +7 7-2-1 Lost 1
6 Los Angeles 79 45 28 6 96 36 9 2 24-12-3 21-16-3 214 191 +23 6-3-1 Lost 1
7 Anaheim 79 44 30 5 93 40 4 2 24-13-2 20-17-3 228 231 -3 7-3-0 Lost 2
8 Chicago 79 42 28 9 93 36 6 5 23-16-0 19-12-9 247 216 +31 5-4-1 Lost 2

Dallas 79 40 28 11 91 35 5 7 21-11-8 19-17-3 217 224 -7 3-4-3 Won 2
Calgary 80 40 29 11 91 31 9 7 22-13-4 18-16-7 242 233 +9 4-4-2 Won 2
e - St. Louis 80 37 33 10 84 33 4 6 22-13-5 15-20-5 235 230 +5 6-3-1 Won 2
e - Minnesota 79 37 34 8 82 34 3 5 18-17-5 19-17-3 198 224 -26 2-7-1 Lost 2
e - Columbus 80 34 33 13 81 29 5 8 17-18-5 17-15-8 210 249 -39 2-5-3 Lost 4
e - Colorado 79 29 42 8 66 23 6 1 15-20-4 14-22-4 219 278 -59 3-7-0 Lost 2
e - Edmonton 79 25 43 11 61 23 2 9 13-21-6 12-22-5 188 256 -68 2-6-2 Won 2

Last edited by Cwian on Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: NHL Standings   NHL Standings Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2011 5:14 pm

all I gotta say is... Montreal is gonna win it this year Big Grin
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PostSubject: Re: NHL Standings   NHL Standings Icon_minitimeMon Apr 04, 2011 5:19 pm

you wish dingo :P...if montreal makes it that far and loses, there might be riots in Canada again roflmao
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