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Staff Sergeant - 1.5
Staff Sergeant - 1.5

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Location : Somewhere in the deep forests of....Kansas

Playoffs - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playoffs   Playoffs - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 29, 2011 9:01 pm

Cwian wrote:
I was actually fairly disappointed by the bulls this last series but the worst part was that the NBA handed that game to Miami... the ratio of fouls wasnt even close. The league wanted Miami to win and they made sure of it


Bulls shot 8 more 3 pointers than Heat per game, got 4 more rebounds per game.
Sure, Bulls shot 6 less free throw per game. But here are keys in why they lost:
31.3% on 3 point shooting, shooting 19.4 per game
73.6% on free throw attempts, shooting 21.6 per game
THERE FIELD GOAL AVERAGE WAS 39.1% PER GAME; Heat's 3pt shooting was 34.5%!
They had more rebounds, more assists, and more shots.

And don't try to say the Heat scored more than they usually do. They were scoring in the 80s every game, while in the season they scored in the 100s every game.

If the NBA wanted the Heat to win so bad, why the blowout 1st game? Hmm?

DeV wrote:
Crabby wrote:
DeV wrote:
f*** the Mavs :P

D: !!!

Dude The Mavs Have Done Amazing!
I Didn't Like How Some Of The Guys From The Lakers
Handled Business..
Why Is It Always Close Lines?
Its Basketball, Not WWE!

True, i'll agree with you on that one, but I don't really like any texas teams, and i don't really follow basketball :P
In Major sports, both Mavericks and Cowboys from NBA and NFL make it on the top 5 most hated. Along with Yankees and Lakers.

I read Sports Illustrated after the series against the Lakers was over. A writer, acting like he was interviewing Andrew Bynum said "Also; I led a discussion group yesterday-Smart Centers, Stupid Choices. Think about it"
Phil Jackson was amazing though in his years...
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Staff Sergeant - 1.5
Staff Sergeant - 1.5

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Location : Somewhere in the deep forests of....Kansas

Playoffs - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playoffs   Playoffs - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 13, 2011 8:01 pm

Well...that was an interesting ending. Congrats to Dirk, Kidd, and Terry on their first NBA Ring, and Dirk and Terry for their revenge.
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Playoffs - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playoffs   Playoffs - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 14, 2011 2:01 pm

That Was A Very Good Series.
Besides Game 6..
Heat Had Seemed To Have Quit After 1st Half.
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PostSubject: Re: Playoffs   Playoffs - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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