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 shot in the dark here...

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shot in the dark here... Empty
PostSubject: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitimeMon May 02, 2011 11:30 am

whats up guys, as most of you probably know,eXtreme has moved to 1.5,i know ownt has a 1.5 section and was wondering if any of ya would like to scrim,we do have our server there already,it does NOT have sprint, shots are usually 1 shot kill,but as far as i know of the bullet damage was just increased,but you can still tag(rarely) and bashes usually tag, most nights we can usually get a 5v5,6v6,whatever you guys would prefer,we have scrimmed several clans so far,all were either hackers,complaining kids,or just plain stupid,miss the ole scrims with ownt,let me know what you all think,love ya all Heart
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Sergeant - 1.3
Sergeant - 1.3

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shot in the dark here... Empty
PostSubject: Re: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2011 11:57 pm

You guys should do it... Smile
It would be fun!
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Sergeant - 1.5
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shot in the dark here... Empty
PostSubject: Re: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2011 6:49 pm

ehh id like to scrim yall but theres just one person that hates me in ur clan Lick lol and im not to fond of him either :3
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Corporal - 1.5
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shot in the dark here... Empty
PostSubject: Re: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2011 8:22 pm

well if speak can get his head out of his ass to get me unbanned then id love to
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shot in the dark here... Empty
PostSubject: Re: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2011 10:49 pm

peterson wrote:
well if speak can get his head out of his ass to get me unbanned then id love to
comments like tht are the reason he doesn't like u very much but i still love u pete Heart
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Tdi || Member
Tdi || Member

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shot in the dark here... Empty
PostSubject: Re: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitimeFri May 06, 2011 10:53 pm

gekko wrote:
whats up guys, as most of you probably know,eXtreme has moved to 1.5,i know ownt has a 1.5 section and was wondering if any of ya would like to scrim,we do have our server there already,it does NOT have sprint, shots are usually 1 shot kill,but as far as i know of the bullet damage was just increased,but you can still tag(rarely) and bashes usually tag, most nights we can usually get a 5v5,6v6,whatever you guys would prefer,we have scrimmed several clans so far,all were either hackers,complaining kids,or just plain stupid,miss the ole scrims with ownt,let me know what you all think,love ya all Heart

finally found a clan better then extreme?
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Last Shot
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shot in the dark here... Empty
PostSubject: Re: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2011 12:34 am

so you think i hack surkus?
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Sergeant - 1.5
Sergeant - 1.5

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shot in the dark here... Empty
PostSubject: Re: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2011 1:25 am

speak sucks :3 he hates meh i hatesss him :3
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Tdi || Member
Tdi || Member

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PostSubject: Re: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2011 2:03 pm

Last Shot wrote:
so you think i hack surkus?

lol jk Heart
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shot in the dark here... Empty
PostSubject: Re: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitimeSun May 15, 2011 11:27 am

SurkuS wrote:
gekko wrote:
whats up guys, as most of you probably know,eXtreme has moved to 1.5,i know ownt has a 1.5 section and was wondering if any of ya would like to scrim,we do have our server there already,it does NOT have sprint, shots are usually 1 shot kill,but as far as i know of the bullet damage was just increased,but you can still tag(rarely) and bashes usually tag, most nights we can usually get a 5v5,6v6,whatever you guys would prefer,we have scrimmed several clans so far,all were either hackers,complaining kids,or just plain stupid,miss the ole scrims with ownt,let me know what you all think,love ya all Heart

finally found a clan better then extreme?

There def not better then us, they got amazing shots on non pb servers and the first time we scrim them on a pb server they got destroyed... Enough said? And Pete I doubt ur banned from our 1.5 server,if u are let me know and I'll find out about it
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shot in the dark here... Empty
PostSubject: Re: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2011 12:00 pm

lol this is funny and hows speak doing anyway? he doesn't hate me lol
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PostSubject: Re: shot in the dark here...   shot in the dark here... Icon_minitime

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shot in the dark here...
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