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 CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan

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PostSubject: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeTue Jul 10, 2012 12:09 pm

Everyone who has CoD4 on PC should patch to 1.7 and download this Star Wars Mod.

Ownt Clan will be hosting an in-clan scrim on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 on the Ownt Star Wars Server on CoD4.
Server IP and Port:

The time of the scrim will be:
6:00 Eastern
5:00 Central
4:00 Mountain
3:00 Pacific

Also invite as many people you know who have CoD4 on PC even if they're not in Ownt! We want to have a big turnout next Wednesday on this amazing mod!

In order to advertise for our clan, please wear clan tags as the following example: Ownt|Romanian, Ownt|Vixen, Ownt|Example, etc.

Thank you! I'm looking forward to playing our CoD4 Star Wars Mod with you all next Wednesday!
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeTue Jul 10, 2012 2:50 pm

Pretty sure im working at that time Frown
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Tdi || Member
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeTue Jul 10, 2012 4:44 pm

any times good for me, but im not in ownt.. lol
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeWed Jul 11, 2012 2:44 am

Dev, call in sick. This is more important. LOL! JK man.
I'm sorry you can't make it. Frown

Surk, everyone is invited. Smile
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 3:52 pm

Don't forget to join us in the in-clan today!

Invite everyone you know that has CoD4!
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeWed Jul 18, 2012 8:02 pm

That was an amazing scrim! A total of 3 people played! (sense my sarcasm)

Maybe we'll try again with a scrim, but it looks like people don't give a crap when it comes to clan activities.

Thank you Kyle and Surk for actually showing up.
We spent 50 minutes running around killing each other.
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Senior Member v.5
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 12:55 am

I didn't have the game. Frown It looks like a fun mod to play tho.
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 1:42 am

i would have showed up if i didnt have work, if you schedule one again, make sure its on a tuesday, i usually have that day off
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Senior Administrator v.5
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CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 2:04 am

Lee wrote:
I didn't have the game. Frown It looks like a fun mod to play tho.
Buy it. Now. It will be one of the best $20 you'll ever spend on a First-Person Shooter game.

DeV wrote:
i would have showed up if i didnt have work, if you schedule one again, make sure its on a tuesday, i usually have that day off
Next one will be on a Tuesday.
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Administrator v.5
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 10:52 am

cool Smile
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Senior Member v.5
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 11:01 pm

Romanian wrote:
Lee wrote:
I didn't have the game. Frown It looks like a fun mod to play tho.
Buy it. Now. It will be one of the best $20 you'll ever spend on a First-Person Shooter game.

Does it make a difference if I get in on Steam or not? It's about $14.99 this week, and I get paid tomorrow.
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Senior Administrator v.5
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CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 2:16 pm

Lee wrote:
Romanian wrote:
Lee wrote:
I didn't have the game. Frown It looks like a fun mod to play tho.
Buy it. Now. It will be one of the best $20 you'll ever spend on a First-Person Shooter game.

Does it make a difference if I get in on Steam or not? It's about $14.99 this week, and I get paid tomorrow.
I think so... Dev should know. I think he has it on Steam.

If not, buy this one. I like to have a hard copy of my game. I don't like playing through Steam.
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Administrator v.5
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 2:40 pm

I got mine through steam because my hard copy didnt work on my computer for some reason, it kept giving me some kind of error, but personally i like buying it on steam or online retailers because it doesnt take up any room and you still get everything thats included with a hard copy, minus the disks and box. i find it easier to manage, plus tech support Smile
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Senior Administrator v.5
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 4:56 pm

DeV wrote:
I got mine through steam because my hard copy didnt work on my computer for some reason, it kept giving me some kind of error, but personally i like buying it on steam or online retailers because it doesnt take up any room and you still get everything thats included with a hard copy, minus the disks and box. i find it easier to manage, plus tech support Smile
Can you see all the regular servers through Steam as if off a hard copy install?
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Administrator v.5
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 5:37 pm

yeah, like i said it has all the features of a hard copy, you just buy it and download it from your computer, you have to update the game patches a little differently though, at least with some games, CoD4 came with its most current patch for me so i didnt have to do anything with it
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Tdi || Member
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 7:06 pm

Since my computer is screwing up and freezes within 5 minutes of startup, I think I'll have to sit the next one out.
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Senior Administrator v.5
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 9:18 pm

DeV wrote:
yeah, like i said it has all the features of a hard copy, you just buy it and download it from your computer, you have to update the game patches a little differently though, at least with some games, CoD4 came with its most current patch for me so i didnt have to do anything with it
There's your answer, Lee. Buy it however you prefer.

SurkuS wrote:
Since my computer is screwing up and freezes within 5 minutes of startup, I think I'll have to sit the next one out.
Frown Find out why it freezes and play!
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 9:21 pm

Alright, thanks. I'll get it soon.
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PostSubject: Re: CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan   CoD4 Star Wars In-Clan Icon_minitime

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