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 Battlefield Vietnam And 1942 Movies

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Join date : 2012-12-30

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PostSubject: Battlefield Vietnam And 1942 Movies   Battlefield Vietnam And 1942 Movies Icon_minitimeFri Jan 25, 2013 2:52 pm

Well I Was Going To Make Movies Of The 2 Games(Vietnam With Mods). But My System Cant Handle Video
Recording On Max Settings.So I Was Hoping Some Of You Could Help Me With Certian Things In The Videos.
I Am A Good Pilot/Driver/Sniper/Machine Gunner/RifleMan On Those Games. But I Need Some One Who Can Do The
Following Things.

1.Start A Server In Dedicated Mode Password Protected On Saturdays.(On Central Standard Time)
2.Can Take Video In 1280x720 Max Graphics Settings 60FPS.8X Anti-Aliasing,16X Anti-Astropic Filtering
3.Any Body Who Wants To Help As A Shooter/Fighter Pilot/Bomber Pilot/Tank Commander ETC Just Contact Me.

Ill Be Running The Following Mods:

BFV Arsenal 0.50
Eve Of Destruction 0.72

BFV Arsenal Has A Launcher That Combines The Mod.

I Plan On Re-Enacting Each Map On The Mods. And Having Some Vehicle Stunt Movies
Once We Do Each Video,I Plan To Upload It To YouTube.
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