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PostSubject: Website..   Website.. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 22, 2013 3:53 am

Also just so you all know, the company that hosts our Domain is being stupid...
This being said the website will be offline for a little while (a few days anyways).

A quick FAQ on this, we originally hosted through one company the same ones that hosted our domain and the site. We migrated the hosting part to another company due to hidden bandwidth restrictions on the original company and the fact we where hosting it as a redirect for our mods.

Due to a shortsighted error on my behalf, The domain was never completely transferred at this time due to the fact I had purchased a (3) yr plan with them.

I attempted to renew the domain the other day and they started to bulk about how we did not have a hosting plan... blah blah blah. Long story short, I was unable to renew it at that time due to the fact I was refusing to buy hosting and they have now turned it

I am currently looking into just mitigating it to a different location and I shall keep you posted and will most likely just end up applying more money to this useless company to get my domain back, so at the latest it will be back online by next Friday which is payday Website.. 232377

It shall return! no worries!


Last edited by Vixen on Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Website..   Website.. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 22, 2013 3:55 am

PS: since my internet won't let me edit......

Animal the physical site is safe with a different company so don't start crying Smile

PPS: Xsniper.... here is a double post for you and your intoxicated Double post police Lick
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PostSubject: Re: Website..   Website.. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 22, 2013 4:16 pm

I have an idea that will save you some money, Kyle.

Get rid of the website.

Move everything (mod downloads, etc) to a section on the forums and host the mod downloads on or something similar.
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PostSubject: Re: Website..   Website.. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 22, 2013 5:17 pm

Romanian wrote:
I have an idea that will save you some money, Kyle.

Get rid of the website.

Move everything (mod downloads, etc) to a section on the forums and host the mod downloads on or something similar.

Tried that already once and it failed epically.... it was the reason we went with the .com
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PostSubject: Re: Website..   Website.. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 22, 2013 8:30 pm

How did it fail? What was the problem?


XSniper, I deleted your post from above that said "..."
If you want to post, post something halfway meaningful please.
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PostSubject: Re: Website..   Website.. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2013 1:02 am

Romanian wrote:
How did it fail? What was the problem?


XSniper, I deleted your post from above that said "..."
If you want to post, post something halfway meaningful please.

Rome... XSniper's post was in reply to my double post, it was a joke only he and I would understand and.. maybe someone who saw the original posts in the desktop post a picture thread so in a way his post was legitimate Smile

As for failing, due to the add redirect crap and spam, I was unable to use it as a redirect to download the CoD 1.5 / UO / Cod 2 & Cod 4 mods.

Plus media fire like to randomly delete large files -.- which was ticking me off....
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PostSubject: Re: Website..   Website.. Icon_minitime

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