Here's a tutorial of vCoD :Coloring(Pressing Shift + 6 gives you ^)
White^8: Depends on the game teams, it is dark green when the player is American,
Light Red when Russian,
Dark Blue when British and Gray when German
^9: Gray
Black (no typo, an extra ^ is required, see below)
*Doing the ^# coloring for names (NAMES! not text!) does not show up colored in chat unless you do a "double coloring".
This is done by doing ^^##
(example: ^^11Name =
Name in chat but may appear to look like ^
**^^0 (Black) requires an extra ^ for text to show up black. An extra ^ is not required for "double coloring", therefore you only need ^^00(name).
BindsBinds are a type of way to say something by the touch of a key. That way you dont have to type it everytime.
Press the consle key (~)
type in /bind (anykey) say "what you want it to say" (do not include " when typing)
For example, one of mine would be /bind g say "lol"
Now get out of the consle and press g during gameplay, (not when typing) your bind should show up on the screen. You can also add colors to your binds to make them "pretty" or just say annoying things like most people do. If you can try to put a bind with our website address to get people joining or a bind to remind others of our language policy.
ScreenShotsTo take a screenshot press F12 (default control). This will take a photo of whatever is one the screen when pushed. Then after you take you have to recover it.
Go to
C: Drive > Program Files > Call of Duty > Main Folder > Screenshots
to view your screenshoots.
RecordingHere's how to make a
demo or a recording in the game using the built in recording program.
Open console by pressing tilde button (~)
Then type "/record" and press enter
-You can also do /record (name) if you want to manually name your recording
The demo is saved by default to your
C: drive> Program files> Call of Duty> Main > Demo folderTo view your demo, open Call Of Duty MP, open console, and type /demo (and the name of the demo you created, you do not need _dm2), it will then load the demo like it was loading a map, and u can watch it from there.
COD console / RCon CommandsHere's a list of a lot of commands you can do via the console (~), some require rcon access.
/banClient (client number) Bans by client number.
/banUser (name) Bans by client name.
/bind (key) (command) Binds command(s) to a key.
/+/- bindlist Lists all binds.
/centerview Centers you view to straight forward.
/clear Clears the console window.
/clientinfo Lists client information.
/clientkick (client number) Kicks a client by client number.
/cmdlist Lists all CoD commands.
/condump (file name) Dumps the console to a file.
/configstrings Lists configuration strings.
/connect (ip address) Connects to a server by IP address.
/cubemapShot (size) (filename) [water r g b r g b] [fesnel n n] Creates a panorama screenshot and saves it to (filename).tga. Size must be greater than 2 and less than 1024.
/cvar_restart Resets all cvars to defaults.
/cvardump Lists all CoD cvars.
/cvarlist Lists all CoD cvars with attributes.
/demo (demo file name) Plays the demo file.
/dir (directory) [extension] Lists files in (directory) of type [extension].
/disconnect Disconnect from server.
/dumpuser (user name) Lists user information.
/echo (string) Echoes a string to the console.
/exec (config file) Executes a config file.
/fdir (file filter) Lists files in current directory using a filter, ie. *b*.pk would list all .pk files with a “b” in the name.
/fs_openedList Lists opened .pk files.
/fs_referencedList Lists referenced .pk files.
/fullpath Shows the path of all the loaded .pk files.
/gameCompleteStatus Sends game complete status to master server.
/gfxinfo Lists graphics information.
/gocrouch Player’s stance goes to crouch position.
/goprone Player’s stance goes to prone position.
/imagelist Lists all images used.
/kick (player name) Kicks a player. Use “all” to kick all players.
/killserver Kills the server.
/localservers Lists local servers.
/lowerstance Lowers the player’s stance.
/map (map name) Sets the map to ( map name ).
/map_restart Restarts the map.
/map_rotate Rotates to the next map in the rotation.
/meminfo Lists game memory information.
/midiinfo Lists Midi information.
/modelist Lists supported video modes.
/net_dumpprofile Dumps network profile info.
/net_restart Restarts networking socket.
/password (password) Sets the password used to log into a server.
/path Shows the path of all the loaded .pk files.
/quit Quits the game.
/raisestance Raises the player’s stance.
/rcon (remote commands) Executes ((remote commands) on the server if rconpassword has been set correctly.
/rconaddress (IP address) Sets the IP address for rcon commands. Can be used to admin a server you aren’t connected to.
/rconpassword (password) Sets the password used for rcon commands.
/reconnect Reconnects to last server connected to.
/record (file name) Starts recording a demo to (file name)
/reset (cvar) Sets a cvar to .
/say (string) Broadcast string to spectators.
/say_team (string) Broadcast string to teammates.
/screenshot Takes a screenshot and saves it as a .tga file.
/screenshotJPEG Takes a screenshot and saves it as a .jpg file. You can also press F12.
/serverinfo Provides subset of info from serverstatus command.
/serverstatus Provides same server info you get from Server Info button on Join menu.
/seta r_picmip 2 Low Graphics Quality
/seta ai_corpseCount "64" This is the number corpses found on the battle field (can also be changed in "options" menu
/seta cg_blood "1" Sets blood and the limited gore on (1) or off (0)
/seta cg_drawCrosshair "1" if you want to see crosshairs ingame set it to 1 for on, or 0 for off. (also changeable in "options")
/seta cg_drawFPS "1" show the framerate at the top of the screen
/seta cg_gameBoldMessageWidth "60" to reduce the text size ingame, change the value lower than 60
/seta cg_gameMessageWidth "70" how wide the text spreads across your screen
/seta cg_hudAlpha "1.0" make this number a decimal to make the compass transparent
/seta cg_shadows "0" sets shadows on (1) or off (0)
/seta cg_subtitles "0" sets subtitles on (1) or off (0)
/seta cg_subtitleWidth "60" the width of the subtitle text
/seta com_maxfps "0" limits your fps (frames per second) on (1) or off (0) to have unlimited
/seta con_minicon "0" shows mini console, just like in MoH (1 for on and 0 for off)
/seta con_miniconlines "5" adjusts the location of the small console
/seta con_minicontime the "4" adjusts time to do with the miniconsole
/seta r_fullscreen "1" play to play fullscreen set 1 (on) or play windowed (0)
/seta r_gamma "1,35938" range of the picture, can be changed in "options" menu.
/set (cvar) (value) Sets a cvar which only remains for this session.
/seta (cvar) (value) Sets a cvar which is saved to config_mp.cfg.
/setfromcvar (cvar) (cvar) Sets the value of (cvar) to the value of (cvar).
/setRecommended Sets to Optimal System Settings, as from Options menu.
/shaderlist Lists all shaders used.
/showip Shows your IP.
/snd_list Lists all sound files used.
/snd_restart Restarts sound sub-system.
/startSingleplayer Switches to single-player mode.
/status Displays info about server including player names, numbers, and IP’s.
/stoprecord Stops recording a demo.
/stringUsage Displays string usage space.
/systeminfo Shows system information.
/toggle (cvar) Toggles a cvar on/off
/toggleconsole Toggles the console on/off.
/togglecrouch Toggles crouch stance.
/toggleprone Toggles prone stance.
/unbind (key) Removes a key bind.
/unbindall Removes all key binds.
/vid_restart Restarts video in default size. Can be used to return to fullscreen from an Alt-Enter window.
/vstr (string) Executes a variable string.
/writeconfig (file name) Writes your current configuration to (file name).
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