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 My Work..

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3 posters
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Location : Lowell, Indiana

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PostSubject: My Work..   My Work.. Icon_minitimeSat Jan 30, 2010 5:24 pm

...for my series, the NORA Castrol Cup Series. I use GIMP for all my paints.

My Work.. 1
#1 - Jeremy Wentworth - Wrigley Racing

My Work.. 2
#2 - Frank Neilson - Bolding Enterprises - Rookie

My Work.. 3
#3 - Ron Mertz - Ron Mertz Racing - 9-Time Champion

My Work.. 4
#4 Carmen Del Rio - Ron Mertz Racing - 3-Time Champion

My Work.. 5
#5 Sean O'Kelley - Ron Mertz Racing - 2001 Champion

My Work.. 6
#6 Brian Lineberry - Ron Mertz Racing

My Work.. 7
#7 Mary Mertz - Ron Mertz Racing - Rookie

My Work.. 8
#8 Russell Heese - Bolding Enterprises - Rookie

My Work.. 9
#9 Rodney Smith - Lorenzo-Smith Motorsports

My Work.. 00
#00 Charlie Bolding - Bolding Enterprises - Rookie

My Work.. 01
#01 David Rome - Wrigley Racing

My Work.. 02
#02 Tony Marion - Chris Fortier Racing - 2004 Champion

My Work.. 03
#03 Jimmy Collins - Collins Racing - Rookie

My Work.. 07
#07 Adam Ames - Ames Racing

My Work.. 09
#09 Jason Ness - Ness Racing - Rookie

My Work.. 10
#10 Stanley Moon - Moon Motorsports - 3 Time Champion

My Work.. 11
#11 Jack Asher - Wrigley Racing

My Work.. 12
#12 Kenny Dunigan - Chris Fortier Racing

My Work.. 13
#13 Roy Wardell - Center Stage Motorsports

My Work.. 14
#14 Isaak Stagl - ISI Racing

My Work.. 18
#18 Max Shevlin - Chris Fortier Racing - 2007 Champion

My Work.. 19
#19 Chad Tomlin - Chris Fortier Racing - Rookie

My Work.. 22
#22 Keith Allgood - Allgood, LLC

My Work.. 23
#23 Scott Nowak - Fox Racing

My Work.. 24
#24 Jack Milligan - Center Stage Motorsports

My Work.. 25
#25 Lonnie Joesph - Team:NITRO

My Work.. 27
#27 Justin Warwick - Warwick Technologies

My Work.. 30
#30 Joey Collins - Collins Racing - Rookie

My Work.. 31
#31 Bruce Avalos - Avalos Autosports - Rookie

My Work.. 33
#33 Johnny Collins - Collins Racing - Rookie

My Work.. 36
#36 Peter Michaud - BURT Motorsports - Rookie

My Work.. 39
#39 Cody Schacher - Shawsheen Racing

My Work.. 44
#44 Randy Callahan - Shawsheen Racing

My Work.. 48
#48 Chris Haas - Juggernaut Racing Team - Rookie

My Work.. 60
#60 Sean Rodarte - BURT Motorsports

My Work.. 64
#64 Toby Taylor - Rhyno Racing - 2009 Champion

My Work.. 77
#77 David Bratcher - Nintendo America - Rookie

My Work.. 80
#80 Kyle Kos - J. Chance Racing - Rookie

My Work.. 81
#81 Josh Mertz - J. Chance Racing

My Work.. 82
#82 Jake Wyrick - J. Chance Racing

If you want to join/keep up with all the division of NORA, the forum link is

#3 and #11 Base Layers - MasGrafx
Logos - MasGrafx, Google, DeadPool, NNRacing
Templates - PaintByRAH, Lurn2Burn, SimRacingDesign

Everything Else by me.
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PostSubject: Re: My Work..   My Work.. Icon_minitimeSat Jan 30, 2010 5:55 pm

Moved to Renders
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The Phoenix
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The Phoenix

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Location : In a big nest in Sesame Street

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PostSubject: Re: My Work..   My Work.. Icon_minitimeMon Feb 22, 2010 11:07 pm

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