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 How do I make my signature show up?

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How do I make my signature show up? Empty
PostSubject: How do I make my signature show up?   How do I make my signature show up? Icon_minitimeSat May 01, 2010 4:00 pm

1. Right click the signature or photo you would like to have show up. Select "Copy Image URL".
1a. If the "code" is provided, just copy that code.

2. Click "Profile" at the top of the page. Click "Signature" from the new page. Paste the Image URL in the text box. (Make sure you have "[ IMG]" before the code and "[/IMG ]" after the code.) (no spaces)

3. Click "Save".

4. Click on "Preferences" next to where you clicked "Signature". Scroll down, and where it says 'always attach signature' select 'YES'.

Yes! It really is that simple! Wink
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How do I make my signature show up?
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