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 Well Krusher at it again..

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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 4:38 pm

well vixen looks like you have to go digging again.. Heart krusher was apparently swearing in the server again...

this was from Angel Wink

Ownt|SSgt.Animal: any swear words are bad and you should warn them Big Grin
Angel 933: haha ok. well today krusher said a word and i told him not to and he said he didnt care
Angel 933: then i said that i cared...and asked him to be nice and that was the end of it
Ownt|SSgt.Animal: heart krusher from pwn?
Angel 933: mhm.

this happened today (Wednesday June 2nd) at around noon apparently Big Grin

also you might find *EVIL*Shock swearing at the same time.. as soon as he gets on i am going to talk to him about that so i ask that no action be taken on that yet if you dont mind ...

sorry for no screenies of this i was not there but this kid has pushed my buttons so many times..
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 8:39 pm

Ugh, Heart Krusher needs to learn a lesson...
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 9:30 pm

seems like this guy doesnt learn...he's probably the 30 year old loser living in his moms basement with nothing better to do than troll servers and most likely forums...just my opinion
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 9:34 pm

Odin wrote:
seems like this guy doesnt learn...he's probably the 30 year old loser living in his moms basement with nothing better to do than troll servers and most likely forums...just my opinion
I know of someone like that... except he's even older. Shock
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 10:29 pm

Romanian wrote:
Odin wrote:
seems like this guy doesnt learn...he's probably the 30 year old loser living in his moms basement with nothing better to do than troll servers and most likely forums...just my opinion
I know of someone like that... except he's even older. Shock

Hahahahah wow..thats embarrassing unless of course its a temporary shelter because he/she lost their job during the recession and had a forclosure..then its understandable
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 10:49 pm're not talking about...Pinhead are you?
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 11:13 pm

well we don't need names Dark...

Also I can use shock for a marker.. I'll leave him alone for now though...
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 11:46 pm

Sorry bout that Vixen Frown I just said that because a lot of people hate Pinhead...I don't know why...
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 11:49 pm

actually I have a reason or two.. but that's for a different time..
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 1:05 am

OK found him Smile

17517:5say;1250919;1;^5Angel ^0933;ive never had it
17517:5say;1585074;4;{MsM}SSgt.Satrose;nub down
17517:5say;1910129;10;{Pwn}Pvt.Heart*Krusher;you like angel food Well Krusher at it again.. 309583
17517:5say;1677622;7;*EVIL*Default_33;ive never had it before o_O
17518:0say;1910129;10;{Pwn}Pvt.Heart*Krusher;default does
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 2:31 am

ohh those are not nice things to say...

LOL! If Miss. Myers ever heard him talk like that she would drag him by the ear to the sink and wash out his mouth... Those where the good days Smile
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 3:09 am

SarahBeth wrote:
LOL! If Miss. Myers ever heard him talk like that she would drag him by the ear to the sink and wash out his mouth... Those where the good days Smile

And you would be the one to know ALL about that too.. wouldn't you... Big Grin
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 6:14 am

Shut it Vix.. All I said was the "S" word.. I mean How was I suppose to know she was standing right behind me....
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitimeThu Jun 03, 2010 8:23 am

SarahBeth wrote:

LOL! If Miss. Myers ever heard him talk like that she would drag him by the ear to the sink and wash out his mouth... Those where the good days Smile

... woah... that is just creepy... the home ec teacher at my high school's name is ms myers... and it wouldns surprise me if she has done that.. woah..
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Well Krusher at it again.. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Well Krusher at it again..   Well Krusher at it again.. Icon_minitime

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