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 Ownt Clan Rules

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2 posters
Morris (old acct)
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PostSubject: Ownt Clan Rules   Ownt Clan Rules Icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 10:03 pm


Posting and you and our forums.
Ok here are some very basic forums rules...
-Do not double post there is a edit button
-Do not harass or De-grade people on the forums
-Do not start arguments on the forums
-Watch this Video

All rules apply to The forums and the Servers.

As Members and Recruits Your responsibilities are...
-Follow and help to maintain server rules.
-Respect your fellow clan members and Respect your admins.
-Check forums once a week if not more often.
-Members are encouraged have X-fire logged on while playing.
-Members must wear tags with their rank when playing on the Ownt server. The only exception to this is for admins.
-The tag format is Ownt|(rank).(Name)
-Post a leaving notice if you are leaving the clan.
-Post a Notice if you are going to be gone for a long period of time.

-We ask all of our members to lead by example. That means following the
rules and helping to enforce the rules. Breaking and or abusing these
rules can lead to removal from the clan and up to banning for extreme

The rules are as follows:

-No Foul Language - this does include abbreviations.
-Respect ALL Your Fellow Players. (This doesn't mean we cant have a little friendly arguments xD)
-No Hacking (None at all! for any reason.)
-No Glitching (Rapid Fire, Run-scoping, ETC)


With the exception of hacking. If you are caught hacking you will be Banned from the Servers and Forums immediately. with no second chances.

Most importantly, Ownt should be a fun and clean place to play. Let's all do our part to keep it that way.

Suggestions for rules and/or complaints about rule breakers can be sent to a admin via X-Fire or in a pm here on the forums.

Individual conversations over xfire are none of the clans concern and will not be used as grounds for punishment or removal. Except in special circumstances.
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Location : Hidden hills of western MA
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Ownt Clan Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ownt Clan Rules   Ownt Clan Rules Icon_minitimeSun Apr 04, 2010 12:06 pm

Amendment: #0001
Date: April 4th, 2010
Re: Rules for server vs binds and names.

Reason for Amendment: Due to the recruitment accusations on the servers

- No displaying binds on any Ownt server that directs players to another clans website. This will be treated as recruiting and may equal a ban.
(If you must bind websites to a key it is advised to bind it to a "F" key therefore you don't accidentally hit it while typing when u forget the "T")

- No copying a Ownt member or Admins name or Rank. These will be treated as a ban.
- No intentionally setting your name to a name that says visit/join our website.
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