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 Ownt Clan Tag Format

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Ownt Clan Tag Format Empty
PostSubject: Ownt Clan Tag Format   Ownt Clan Tag Format Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2010 2:50 am

Standard tags for playing on the server:(to be worn while playing on the server Ownt Clan Tag Format 942528 )

^9Ownt^3|(your name in w/e u want)^3|^9(your rank here)

example: Ownt|Vixen|Ldr

You may use any colors you like for these tags the color chart is below.

( | is obtained by pressing shift and \ at the same time.)

>>You may also use custom tags on the servers, The clan name must be displayed at all time though<<

Scrim Team Tags:(to be worn while playing a scrim only Ownt Clan Tag Format 942528 )

^4<^70wNt^4#^7(name here)^4>

Example: ^4<^70wNt^4#^7vixeN^4>

So in-game they would look like this...
Ownt Clan Tag Format 2vmadd1

Color Chart:

^1 = red
^2 = green
^3 = yellow
^4 = blue
^5 = light blue
^6 = purple
^7 = white
^8= dark red
^9 = grey
^0 = black (You must type two ^^0 to type in black)

Hope this helps everyone Ownt Clan Tag Format 942528
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