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PostSubject: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeThu Aug 26, 2010 9:03 pm

Well I am new at uploading hacks but I think I got the hang of it. This guy so blatant. Watch
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeThu Aug 26, 2010 10:35 pm

I think someone had problems with this guy before. was it Crabby?
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Private First Class - 1.3
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeThu Aug 26, 2010 11:28 pm

I don't know but it's obv he walls. Anyway, now I know why you guys hate extreme so much. Today we had a scrim we were owning 6-1 so then I do one lucky shot, I just shot and was going to go protect B so I shot randomly at RR and I get a kill and speak goes all off and now they are being beasts.... Its funny because Enzo is not even good but somehow he headshoted me like 5 times? In a row. So I told them off and got perm banned lol.
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeThu Aug 26, 2010 11:44 pm

Duck wrote:
I don't know but it's obv he walls. Anyway, now I know why you guys hate extreme so much. Today we had a scrim we were owning 6-1 so then I do one lucky shot, I just shot and was going to go protect B so I shot randomly at RR and I get a kill and speak goes all off and now they are being beasts.... Its funny because Enzo is not even good but somehow he headshoted me like 5 times? In a row. So I told them off and got perm banned lol.

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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:08 am

actually enzo and lazy are 2 good players along with papa they have a very strong scrim team
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:16 am

yea enzo is enough good for some headshots when he tries
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Private First Class - 1.3
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:22 am

peterson wrote:
actually enzo and lazy are 2 good players along with papa they have a very strong scrim team
i know lazy is pro but Enzo never been better than me but now all of a sudden their loosing the scrim and enzo speak go crazy good in like 2 rounds Enzo acing speak doing crazy jump shots. PAPA is good too but enzo was never good enough to do something like that against me especially craig.
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:34 am

lol yes I'm pretty sure Issue uses wallhacks. There have been several times that I've leaned around a corner only to see him staring right at me. Only problem is he's not a good hacker at all, my quick trigger finger got me the kill every time Big Grin
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:46 am

nah enzo is good when he tries lazy is beasty and pap is good when he wants to be too so is speak but DANG! wish i was there 4 that scrim Cry
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 2:03 am

Guid:1672949:=IDG= Issues

Now ive seen two of these same names on my server, but when i checked the logs
this is the only one i found.
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 2:53 am

Duck wrote:
Well I am new at uploading hacks but I think I got the hang of it. This guy so blatant. Watch

lol first time i read this i thought you just admited to downloading hacks xD
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:21 pm

sweet, no need for assumptions i indeed was using a wallhack. Wasn't denying it either though.
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:22 pm

Well assuming this was on ownt server some action will have to be taken most likely a ban. Although i do appreciate you coming here specifically and admitting it Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 1:58 pm

I Told Ya Animal. Lol.
Duck Just Beat Me To The Hit. :P
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 3:41 pm

well i will have to say that it's rare that someone comes on and admits to hacking. LOL.
as far as the scrim goes Duck, it was fun for a while until people started accusing. I think everysingle scrim i've been in whether it's with eX or MsM or any other clan in 1.3 and 1.5, accusations always happen which make the scrim no longer fun. we should sign a fun treaty b4 we scrim again lol
o and btw cool sig NV
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Corporal - 1.5
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 3:51 pm

haha just saying its not the clans in 1.3 that accuse its certain players it depends on whos in the scrim plus ive seen less accusation latly most people just shut up get prrof and take action and get away from the drama
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Private First Class - 1.3
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 6:36 pm

Animal, this was on the ATI server. I just wanted to let you guys know he hacks too. Also, like NET mentioned there are 2 of them. One is an imposter and I think the imposter is trying to get issue banned and he just admitted that he hacks so I'm not sure about this.
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 8:11 pm

i always try to make it a rule of thumb not to accuse unless its clearly blatant and that i have a demo. ppl get heated tho and cant control themselves sometimes. it happens to the best of us.
but as far as enzo doing really good like 7 rounds in, ive noticed personally, that when playing different clans, the first few rounds i may loose because i dont know where the other players are going to be. once u get a few rounds in, you start noticing their patterns, where they go, and how they play. im just saying from my own personal experience, ive stunk real bad in the beggining of a scrim, and then brought it back by learning the other players.
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 11:33 pm

Duck wrote:
Animal, this was on the ATI server. I just wanted to let you guys know he hacks too. Also, like NET mentioned there are 2 of them. One is an imposter and I think the imposter is trying to get issue banned and he just admitted that he hacks so I'm not sure about this.

I should probably agree so i can get unbanned, but i am =IDG=Issues and Issues, if there is an imposter i haven't seen him. Using a wallhack allows me to see who else is cheating, what better way than to wallhack? I could spectate them but its easier to watch the paths they take and see how they handle situations.
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 12:02 am

issues wrote:
Duck wrote:
Animal, this was on the ATI server. I just wanted to let you guys know he hacks too. Also, like NET mentioned there are 2 of them. One is an imposter and I think the imposter is trying to get issue banned and he just admitted that he hacks so I'm not sure about this.

I should probably agree so i can get unbanned, but i am =IDG=Issues and Issues, if there is an imposter i haven't seen him. Using a wallhack allows me to see who else is cheating, what better way than to wallhack? I could spectate them but its easier to watch the paths they take and see how they handle situations.

This is a BALANT example, of why vixen said not to use wallhacks for this reason....
Obviously younger kids, get tempted to use them while in game..
But yeah... issues... you dont look like you even want unbanned.

How exactly do you consult with a noob when it comes to this kinda stuff?
give them a 2nd chance just so they can do it again?
idk.... smh.
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 12:30 am

Me...Lazy wrote:
well i will have to say that it's rare that someone comes on and admits to hacking. LOL.
as far as the scrim goes Duck, it was fun for a while until people started accusing. I think everysingle scrim i've been in whether it's with eX or MsM or any other clan in 1.3 and 1.5, accusations always happen which make the scrim no longer fun. we should sign a fun treaty b4 we scrim again lol
o and btw cool sig NV

Thanks Lazy LOL I love your sigs too, they make me lol all the time Big Grin
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 1:03 am

i kno off topic but nv that really is an AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome Face sig u got ... 2 cheers for disturbed!!!! lol urs is funny too lazy i luv it lol noob thread
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 1:43 am wrote:
issues wrote:
Duck wrote:
Animal, this was on the ATI server. I just wanted to let you guys know he hacks too. Also, like NET mentioned there are 2 of them. One is an imposter and I think the imposter is trying to get issue banned and he just admitted that he hacks so I'm not sure about this.

I should probably agree so i can get unbanned, but i am =IDG=Issues and Issues, if there is an imposter i haven't seen him. Using a wallhack allows me to see who else is cheating, what better way than to wallhack? I could spectate them but its easier to watch the paths they take and see how they handle situations.

This is a BALANT example, of why vixen said not to use wallhacks for this reason....
Obviously younger kids, get tempted to use them while in game..
But yeah... issues... you dont look like you even want unbanned.

How exactly do you consult with a noob when it comes to this kinda stuff?
give them a 2nd chance just so they can do it again?
idk.... smh.

Don't get my wrong i would like to get unbanned, just after watching that video i'm not sure anything i say will get me unbanned other than i will not hack on your server again.
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 2:55 am

issues wrote: wrote:
issues wrote:
Duck wrote:
Animal, this was on the ATI server. I just wanted to let you guys know he hacks too. Also, like NET mentioned there are 2 of them. One is an imposter and I think the imposter is trying to get issue banned and he just admitted that he hacks so I'm not sure about this.

I should probably agree so i can get unbanned, but i am =IDG=Issues and Issues, if there is an imposter i haven't seen him. Using a wallhack allows me to see who else is cheating, what better way than to wallhack? I could spectate them but its easier to watch the paths they take and see how they handle situations.

This is a BALANT example, of why vixen said not to use wallhacks for this reason....
Obviously younger kids, get tempted to use them while in game..
But yeah... issues... you dont look like you even want unbanned.

How exactly do you consult with a noob when it comes to this kinda stuff?
give them a 2nd chance just so they can do it again?
idk.... smh.

Don't get my wrong i would like to get unbanned, just after watching that video i'm not sure anything i say will get me unbanned other than i will not hack on your server again.

Well heres one thing you can do.. go agrue on ati forum -.-
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Private First Class - 1.3
Private First Class - 1.3

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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 3:19 am

Tony wrote:
issues wrote: wrote:
issues wrote:
Duck wrote:
Animal, this was on the ATI server. I just wanted to let you guys know he hacks too. Also, like NET mentioned there are 2 of them. One is an imposter and I think the imposter is trying to get issue banned and he just admitted that he hacks so I'm not sure about this.

I should probably agree so i can get unbanned, but i am =IDG=Issues and Issues, if there is an imposter i haven't seen him. Using a wallhack allows me to see who else is cheating, what better way than to wallhack? I could spectate them but its easier to watch the paths they take and see how they handle situations.

This is a BALANT example, of why vixen said not to use wallhacks for this reason....
Obviously younger kids, get tempted to use them while in game..
But yeah... issues... you dont look like you even want unbanned.

How exactly do you consult with a noob when it comes to this kinda stuff?
give them a 2nd chance just so they can do it again?
idk.... smh.

Don't get my wrong i would like to get unbanned, just after watching that video i'm not sure anything i say will get me unbanned other than i will not hack on your server again.

Well heres one thing you can do.. go agrue on ati forum -.-
We don't want trouble over at our forums either tony <3
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PostSubject: Re: Issue hacking   Issue hacking Icon_minitime

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