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 Scrooby wants to join : )

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4 posters

Scrooby wants to join : ) Empty
PostSubject: Scrooby wants to join : )   Scrooby wants to join : ) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 11:54 pm

2 people play with the name scroob:Neal and Ross (both active but Neal plays more)
Age:Neal-13 Ross-16
Both male
Neal-8th grade Ross-Junior
Both watch football and Ross played freshman football and used to paintball
We play probably an average of 4-5 days a week
I play cod1 and 2
I have only been in AM
I am in AM on cod2. Nothing else
I like people in ownt
Morris asked me to join
I have read the rules
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Morris (old acct)
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Posts : 547
Reputation : 2
Age : 15
Join date : 2009-09-16

Scrooby wants to join : ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scrooby wants to join : )   Scrooby wants to join : ) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 12:15 am

Hey both Scroob's Scrooby wants to join : ) Icon_biggrin

So happy you applied we goes wayy back xD..App looks great..Go ahead and change in-game tags to: Ownt|Pvt.Scroob (I seen some of your ss so you get the rank of Pvt Scrooby wants to join : ) Icon_biggrin) Also I am gonna add ya to the ownt usergroup here on the forums so you can acsess the clanzone..And I will send ya an xfire group invite which will come to your email

Thanks for applying and happy gaming Scrooby wants to join : ) Icon_biggrin


P.S. This dood is pro with a rifle Scrooby wants to join : ) Icon_biggrin
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Posts : 5758
Reputation : 16
Age : 36
Join date : 2009-09-17
Location : Hidden hills of western MA
Forum Administrator
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5000+ Posts
CoD1 1.3 Player
CoD1 1.5 Player
CoD2 1.2 Player
CoD4 1.7 Player

Scrooby wants to join : ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scrooby wants to join : )   Scrooby wants to join : ) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 4:36 am


Ownt|Gen.Morris wrote:
P.S. This dood is pro with a rifle
Goodie a challenge...
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Registered User

Posts : 43
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Age : 26
Join date : 2009-09-20
Location : pittsburgh,PA

Scrooby wants to join : ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scrooby wants to join : )   Scrooby wants to join : ) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 8:15 am

Welcome :bom: Pro with rifle Eh? Well you'll whoop the crap outta me!
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Scrooby wants to join : ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scrooby wants to join : )   Scrooby wants to join : ) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 6:50 pm

ahahahaaha thanks Smile
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Sergeant Major - 1.3
Sergeant Major - 1.3

Posts : 149
Reputation : 0
Age : 29
Join date : 2009-09-20

Scrooby wants to join : ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scrooby wants to join : )   Scrooby wants to join : ) Icon_minitimeMon Sep 21, 2009 7:08 pm

Welcome Scroob Big Grin
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Scrooby wants to join : ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scrooby wants to join : )   Scrooby wants to join : ) Icon_minitime

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Scrooby wants to join : )
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