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 banned or not ????

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PostSubject: banned or not ????   banned or not ???? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 28, 2011 9:20 pm

Name when banned:bandittt

Your Guid: none

Date: unsure

Time: unknown


Admin who banned you:unknown

Reason for ban:unknown

Why you should be unbanned:i am trying to find out if i was banned or not??? i am unable to log onto any vcod servers for some time now at my cabin. still log on at home though. if something did occure i would have to say it was my 11 year old because he like to play ownt rifles. more information on ban would be helpful for me to provide more information and take corrective action so this does not happen again. thanks guys for taking your time.

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PostSubject: Re: banned or not ????   banned or not ???? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 28, 2011 9:24 pm

please complete the info requested in the above link.
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PostSubject: Re: banned or not ????   banned or not ???? Icon_minitimeMon Aug 29, 2011 1:58 am

Yea Vix it must be the Vcod thing cause he has the same thing posted on MsM forums
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PostSubject: Re: banned or not ????   banned or not ???? Icon_minitime

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