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 Problems & Disputes...

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PostSubject: Problems & Disputes...   Problems & Disputes... Icon_minitimeSun Feb 28, 2010 3:36 am

Alot of people are quitting ownt because of unsolved problems or disputes.
Moderators are taking care of these problems, but the outcome dosent seem to satisfy
some of the ownt clan members....

Soo, I believe there should be a new section to where the clan votes on a punishment,
of the clan memeber due to his/her behavior or activity .

& i definitely wouldnt mind being a mod on it..... Problems & Disputes... 116303
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PostSubject: Re: Problems & Disputes...   Problems & Disputes... Icon_minitimeSun Feb 28, 2010 12:44 pm

while i sort of agree with this... this is something that should be handled by admins and if this were instated then we would have members trying to get others kicked bc one dissagreement... then if that person saw that they got like 5 votes to be kicked they would probably leave anyway... most problems can be solved between the parties involved via x-fire as long as the parties are both mature about the situation and are able to see that there is a chance they are wrong
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PostSubject: Re: Problems & Disputes...   Problems & Disputes... Icon_minitimeSun Feb 28, 2010 10:35 pm

i know their are a lot of kids in here, but some kids seem to make a big deal out of nothing sometimes. fighting for no reason and starting arguments is pointless. we are here to play games and have FUN. im already seeing how some people are "trouble makers" so ill do my best to steer clear of those people, but "punishment" seem a little eh No
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PostSubject: Re: Problems & Disputes...   Problems & Disputes... Icon_minitimeMon Mar 01, 2010 3:20 pm

Well some people just dont know how solve there problems on xfire, because people are leaving quite frequently.. & todays only my seventh day, and im already seeing this clan slowly fall...
Just because we have a server, dosent mean it will always have clan members,
as many of us have seen clans deteriorate, and it kind of starts off like how it is now.
Im not trying to be a hero or nothing, im just trying to unmask serveral problems.
& possibly fix them.
They say out of mind out of sight, So im just keeping it in everyones mind, so this problem dosent get bigger.
"One hole in a t-shirt, can expand."
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PostSubject: Re: Problems & Disputes...   Problems & Disputes... Icon_minitimeMon Mar 01, 2010 7:26 pm

yeah i totally understand. but i think the problem lies in the people who love confrentation. heres how it should go, "unless its really bad, dont complain" i mean no offense i am a noobie but like dingo complaining because pheonix saying "what the freak" and "shut up" please.. your just looking for a fight. dont look for fights.. that will only result in ppl saying "the heck with this" im not trying to offend, but some people need to be a little less thin skinned. and i know coming in here as a noobie telling people what to do is not good either, but sometimes an outside opinion can help. i think you are right networkz but at the same time i think we need to look at both sides of the field here
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The Phoenix
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PostSubject: Re: Problems & Disputes...   Problems & Disputes... Icon_minitimeMon Mar 01, 2010 8:07 pm

I agree with PAPALONE on both his theory (Or opinion there really just the same thing.) And the thing with the "Dingo looking for a fight" thing, Dingo get off my back.
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PostSubject: Re: Problems & Disputes...   Problems & Disputes... Icon_minitimeTue Mar 02, 2010 3:56 am

I honestly agree with you completely.
its really not that big of a deal, and i dont know why i even care.
but everyone has alot of animosity towards phoniex right now, (for known reasons)
and i believe thats why dingo acted as he did.
But lets drop that subject because thats the past.

But at the same time the less everone cares,
the faster this clan will fall..
therefore i believe if we dont come up with some kind of system,
maybe not the one i suggested, but atleast something to keep everyone happy.
we might not have much time left.
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PostSubject: Re: Problems & Disputes...   Problems & Disputes... Icon_minitimeTue Mar 02, 2010 12:19 pm

I am soooooo popular aren't i phoenix.
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The Phoenix
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PostSubject: Re: Problems & Disputes...   Problems & Disputes... Icon_minitimeWed Mar 03, 2010 7:00 pm

Yeah. But once you finally fell you aren't really that cool now. Saying "You fail at life" Is harsh.
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PostSubject: Re: Problems & Disputes...   Problems & Disputes... Icon_minitimeMon Apr 05, 2010 11:51 am

i think a system like that might would work.if something like animal said happened..
[quote="The Animal"] they got like 5 votes to be kicked they would probably leave anyway...
then let them go if there going to leave just because they got some votes on getting kicked they weren't that dedicated to the clan anyway.popaloan said there a lot of kids in here and some of them make big deals outa nothing and stuff like that what i say to that is are they 5 year olds im only 12 and look at my veiw on this its total mature and just as tring to solve the problem without starting Censored. the only bad thing about this system is if u dident have any freinds in the clan ur more likely to get voted out. i say look at all sides of this and it might not be that bad of an idea it will also give people some imitative to make some freinds or some good relationships and not just start Censored for the fear they get voted out all and all i think this might come out as a good idea. then again it might blow up in Ur face. f67 :m223:
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